Central Heating - on yet?

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Started young, and still going.
I've fired up the boiler today as it was down to 12⁰ inside this afternoon. The radiators have been bled, they didn't have any air in and are warming up nicely.
MrsP will be happy. Not that its going be on continuously. The thermostat wars begin.🤔

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Talking to a woman I know yesterday, she told me she hasn't had her heating on since March this year and she sleeps with her windows open!!:ohmy: Her and her husband have owned a chip shop for decades and aren't short of a bob or two (and good luck to them as they work ten hours a day, five days a week while in their late 60's), living in their intended retirement home also worth a bob or two, so it can't be financial reasons for not putting their heating on for so long!🤔
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South Wales
Talking to a woman I know yesterday, she told me she hasn't had her heating on since March this year and she sleeps with her windows open!!:ohmy: Her and her husband have owned a chip shop for decades and aren't short of a bob or two (and good luck to them as they work ten hours a day, five days a week while in their late 60's), living in their intended retirement home also worth a bob or two, so it can't be financial reasons for not putting their heating on for so long!🤔

Different people have different sensitivity to cold and heat. I only put the quilt back on the bed two days ago, having taken it off in May, and been sleeping with just the quilt cover since then (and the window open for about half of that time). But my wife needs a quilt all summer, and goes to a much heavier one than me over the winter.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
We're occasionally putting the CH on in the evenings now.

So far I 've resisted heating my garden office, but I was bloomin' cold after spending 3 hours out there after dinner yesterday evening. Strangley I didn't feel it until I came in about 11pm and got into a very cool bed. Was soon shivering & chattering, and couldn't sleep until I pulled on some socks!


I put the heating on a couple of days ago. It still feels very mild; however I am under orders to sit still after a foot operation so I'm indulging myself.

First time I've got to November and not felt any actual need to take the chill off the house! Quite alarming really...


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Almost my entire ground floor plus stairs is open-plan; the space has temperature differentials and draughts that make it feel colder than it really is. I'd love to knock it all back to the exterior walls and improve the insulation and layout, but the upheaval would be immense.


Stubborn git
Finally took the plunge due to our increasingly inefficient fire to move away from solid fuel. It's served us well for cost/heat output but the lack of quality fuel meant the time has come.

We've had the heating on since installed about 3 weeks ago, although only an hour os so a day. No idea how much it costs but it's bound to be less than we were spending previously so we are just going to run it as we see fit to see what the bill is like.

Electricity has reduced by nearly 70% so it's looking good so far.


Started young, and still going.
MrsP suffers badly from the cold, even when it's not cold. The CH has been on since the 1st of October, it comes on for half an hour in the morning and possibly comes on in the evening. Although the maximum temperature is set for 18⁰.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Ours has been on, but only morning and early afternoon - not on in evening as house needs to cool down for a good nights sleep. Did get into bed with very icy feet last night - no idea why.


On a couple of times, unusual for us but given my wife hasn't been well plus the 2 grandkids, its not fair not to.

We would never have had it on this early normally, but circumstances being what they are... (for me personally, it's not even been that cold yet)


Legendary Member
Put it on for an hour last night at a low temperature just to test it ahead of any potential cold weather. Don't like the house to be too warm and am quite prepared to put on a fleece jacket rather than switch on the heating when it's still as mild as it is currently.
I only have one storage heater on at the moment, BUT it's only on 1/3 of its setting. Though I'm starting to pop the fire on for a couple of hours in the evening now - fire has a back boiler that does the upstairs radiators. The house is currently sat at 18C, which is quite comfortable.

The biggest winners in terms of maintaining warmth in the house without cranking up the heating are a) keeping the door between the house and unheated hallway shut, b) having the gaps in the sash windows* gaffer taped up and c) keeping curtains drawn and shutters, well, shut.

* I have secondary glazing - outer casements, inner sash.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I've just turned off the 3 of my 4 radiators I had on for 3 hours last night. It's been fairly mild outside tonight and I have noticed since buying a dehumidifier 2 weeks ago that I don't have my heating on as long as before, after reading that drier air takes less to heat than humid air.
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