Central Heating - on yet?

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
The high winds mean that our electricity will only cost about 2p per kWh overnight so I've set the immersion heater to come on in the early hours and the home battery to charge.
That's cherry-picking, though: in both cheap rate windows earlier today (4-7am and 1-4pm), our preset rate was cheaper that the fully variable rate. It's only the least useful late night slot where fully variable is cheaper today.

I expect you still come out cheaper if your battery is big enough and you either obsess or automate, but the headline extreme numbers are not representative.


That's cherry-picking, though: in both cheap rate windows earlier today (4-7am and 1-4pm), our preset rate was cheaper that the fully variable rate. It's only the least useful late night slot where fully variable is cheaper today.

I expect you still come out cheaper if your battery is big enough and you either obsess or automate, but the headline extreme numbers are not representative.

Of course it's " cherry picking " That's why I mentioned the rates being exceptionally low overnight. I don't " obsess " over it, I'm on the Octopus Agile tariff, next days rates are published every day at 4pm, so I check and if favourable I will top the battery up and use the immersion heater instead of the gas boiler.


South Wales
Of course it's " cherry picking " That's why I mentioned the rates being exceptionally low overnight. I don't " obsess " over it, I'm on the Octopus Agile tariff, next days rates are published every day at 4pm, so I check and if favourable I will top the battery up and use the immersion heater instead of the gas boiler.

I suspect most people would think that checking and adjusting daily is "obsessing" about it.

I'm also on Agile, but I certainly don't adjust it on a daily basis. I set it to charge the battery in the middle of the night from November to March, and that is about it.

We almost put the heating on last night, but decided a jumper was enough in the end. Though I'm already sitting here in a jumper today (WFH).


I suspect most people would think that checking and adjusting daily is "obsessing" about it.

I'm also on Agile, but I certainly don't adjust it on a daily basis. I set it to charge the battery in the middle of the night from November to March, and that is about it.

We almost put the heating on last night, but decided a jumper was enough in the end. Though I'm already sitting here in a jumper today (WFH).

Perhaps it's just me then 😁
( I also check the weather daily, and adjust the clothing I wear depending on the report 😉 )


South Wales
Perhaps it's just me then 😁
( I also check the weather daily, and adjust the clothing I wear depending on the report 😉 )

I only bother with that if we are going away for the day and won't have access to my clothes at home.

Otherwise I just add or remove layers as necessary during the day.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Still 20 degrees inside the house (at the thermostat) but I decided to test the heating last night.

Eek, 6 rads remained cold! One of them seems to have a jammed TRV. Maybe theres an airlock affecting the others; more investigation today.


Legendary Member
My stat's set to 20C, and it's 20.6 in here, but it's starting to feel colder by the day as the radiant temperature of the French window gets lower. It feels like someone's holding an ice pack against my left side that's facing the window.
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