Central Heating - on yet?

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Heating on here, although my son's radiator is off at the lockshield because he has his windows open :eek:

This is always a problem for us.
It's a conundrum, my wife and myself are quite hardy and don't/ didn't use the heating heavily, add the fact neither of us can stand the heat at night, our bedroom and landing windows will be open in all but the very very worst weathers.(closed when the heating is on of course)
So this means if we have the heating on daytime, it all goes out the windows at night, but we've become accustomed to that.

But now we have charge of two grandchildren, there's more need to have a warmer house so that complicates it a bit.

I always leave our spare bedroom window open all the time so if I wake in the night too hot ( and I invariably do)...into the spare room, quilt back, climb into an icy cold bed. Its wonderful....
When I get up I feel cold so heating is right up. I then get dressed and start to feel warm (with a few coffees down me) and the heating then goes down. With an efficient heating system in a well insulated and low draft house it is more efficient to keep the heating on all the time and turn it down low. So we have it on 16C, down from my waking up 18C. This results in the house being comfortable even when working from home (cold hands when using computer for work in a colder room is avoided) but in effect the boiler rarely comes on. In fact the house heats up fully (from 13.5C this morning to 18C in 5 to 10C then at 16C setting it does not fire up much at all and the radiators are all cold through most of the day.

So our heating is on but it is kind of not on at the same time.

PS when we used to turn our last house heating off to save money. However with our last house also being high efficiency central heating we found that leaving it on albeit at a lower temp actually save money. It takes more to raise from a lower temp than to keep topping up with a little heat every so often to maintain the temp. Over a full day an insulated, draguht free house with an efficient central heating system leaving it turned on at a low but comfortable temp it is more efficient on energy and fuel I believe. However I am also a keen proponent of putting on an extra layer first. I wear woolly pully at home and have a padded shirt to put over should I feel cold. I also eat food when cold. Food creates heat as does exercise. I would rather be a source of heat naturally with the heating turned low!! ^_^


Mine's been definitely on this week. My smart meter has jumped from an average of £2.50 a day to four pound fifty a day yikes


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
Tenner a day on gas when it’s been really cold ! Upside my solar keeps topped up during the day . So swings and roundabouts , I will say though my log burner has been on more times start of this Autumn/Winter than last year !!


Tenner a day on gas when it’s been really cold ! Upside my solar keeps topped up during the day . So swings and roundabouts , I will say though my log burner has been on more times start of this Autumn/Winter than last year !!

Having had a Smart Meter fitted a year ago, and being on an Octopus gas tracker tariff it's a bit of an eye opener as to how many kWh equivalent of gas we use. I top the house battery up overnight so it starts the day at 100%. If there's a bit of sun during the day that helps, night before last it imported 4kW but last night 12kW.
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