Central Heating - on yet?

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
This weekend is looking like the time we'll tap out and light a fire.
Our heating ran for two hours early on the fifth and not since. I expect it might this weekend. I think this will be much later than the last two years.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Considering my house has solid walls with no internal or external insulation (just a thick layer in the loft); I'm surprised it retains the heat quite well, even in autumnal conditions.
I think the thermal mass of a solid concrete floor helps maintain summer temperatures.

Heating is still off but with the 1st frost likely on Sunday night I think the house will finally start to cool.
My heating is going to remain off and will be the third winter without any heating and my £500 fuel allowance from the government is ear marked to buy me some thing nice :smile:

You're going to be freezing and it could make you ill. This is why I think the Government should pay the winter fuel allowances direct to the energy providers. What about your family and friends as well? They will feel uncomfortable in your home?


Legendary Member
You're going to be freezing and it could make you ill. This is why I think the Government should pay the winter fuel allowances direct to the energy providers. What about your family and friends as well? They will feel uncomfortable in your home?

Been OK for the last two winters, my flat is well insulated and never gets below 16c even on the coldest days.
Family only come round twice a year, birthday and just before Christmas and as for friends......they used and abused me and went years ago.


Touch of ground frost here this morning to be worse on Saturday, so central heating now on fully operational until April or even May. :okay:


Mine is still off.Its not been cold at all in all honesty but the cat does help as he's like a hot water bottle when he's sleeping on my knee
Not on yet and not felt the slightest need so far, despite the outside temp being 3deg this morning.

I prefer a cool-to-cold bedroom, albeit in a warm bed, so still have my bedroom window open at night, but am thinking of reducing the opening to a mere crack. My hotwater bottle is checked and ready for use, although I probably won't need it for another couple of weeks.

Some of us just have differently-set inner thermostats to others!


We put ours on evening of Friday 6th October - last week. The temperature has been dropping to just under 0C in the night and 6/7C during the day.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
I guess for those whom live alone , you can do what you like with your heating . I don’t and I’m not gonna shiver either . Heating is on , I’ve built up a large amount of credit, solar panels doing their thing !
I guess for those whom live alone , you can do what you like with your heating . I don’t and I’m not gonna shiver either . Heating is on , I’ve built up a large amount of credit, solar panels doing their thing !

Who's talking about shivering?
No-one that I can see!
Those of us who aren't planning on putting the heating on yet are making remarks about our homes being warm enough and/or at our preferred temperature.
Why would anyone put their heating on if they're comfortable and not feeling any need for it?
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