Central Heating - on yet?

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Well, thought I might have got to October but despite spending all day in shorts and T shirt, I've had to stick the heating on now for a couple of hours at least. Usually its Mrs Slick that breaks first, but its me this time so I hope I'm not in for something.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Well, thought I might have got to October but despite spending all day in shorts and T shirt, I've had to stick the heating on now for a couple of hours at least. Usually its Mrs Slick that breaks first, but its me this time so I hope I'm not in for something.
Uhm, I think its quite mild tonight: got 2 windows open at the moment.
You are not well!!


Uhm, I think its quite mild tonight: got 2 windows open at the moment.
You are not well!!

Did a wee camping trip to Arran last weekend and was chilled to the bone then had to cycle halfway round the island in torrential rain, and whilst never feeling particularly unwell, I've never felt quite right since. Mrs Slick is quite happy though, as she is a hot house flower. :laugh:


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Our Baxi is 28 years old and uses very little gas.
That's not a measure of efficiency.

The Baxi Solo 2 is a boiler from that era. It was 68% efficient.
Since 2018, all UK boilers have needed to be at least 92% efficient. Plenty are available at 94%. Some claim to be 97-98%.

You can google the efficiency of your specific boiler and work out the potential savings.

My annual gas consumption, averaged over 5 years:

New condensing boiler: 14470kWh
Old non-condensing boiler: 13972kWh
And have you investigated why?
Probably reasons are;
1) age. We all like our creature comforts more as we get older. Plus if you're lucky enough to retire) then you at home more, needing more heating.
2) Global pandemic! In the last 5 years we've had at least 2 years with significant restrictions on movement. This definitely pushes up your cnetral heating requirements. Many of us still don't go out quite as often as we used to.

If you think your gas consumption is still too high, get the central heating checked by a very good plumber (or a heating engineer). Efficiency gains are only achieved it the system has been designed correctly, with radiators and pipes sized accordingly. Balancing is v important, not just individually at each rad, but also with monitoring of the delta across the boiler (for several hours, in different weather conditions).


I just got in from walking the dog in shorts and a short sleeve shirt (me, not the dog.)

You’re hard :biggrin:


Legendary Member
You’re hard :biggrin:

Played a gig last night and the rest of the band were in long trousers. Weaklings.

Even God wears shorts.


Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I put the heating on to help dry some clothes and then forgot about it. I woke this morning to my bedroom feeling like a sauna! 😆

Heating is back off. To be fair, I do have quite a nice warm fluffy blanket that I have draped over the seat I use most in the living room and I have a big furry hoodie type thing I can wear in the house when I'm alone (so nobody can see me) so I am usually quite warm anyway. ☺️
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