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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Has anybody seen my green eyed monster gif?
We've done that one before,so unfortunately you're not funny!


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
You've completely avoided the issue! What has his ability to score a goal got to do with him robbing the taxpayer?! Me just calling him thick is a side issue. He's a tax fiddler and you want to talk about him scoring a goal ffs!
No, you calling him thick is important because it reveals your biases. Now you are calling him a robber which is a pretty strong accusation. Can you back it up?

That'll be because they have soooo much money,as someone keeps pointing out! Does that entitle them to claim taxpayer assisted wages,just because they pay lots of income tax?
If the system says they are entitled to it, then they are entitled to it. Now the system may have been belatedly and hurriedly put together, meaning that there will be huge discrepancies and imbalances in who gets what and who doesn't, but that's not their fault. You compared them to Captain Moore. Bear in mind that the people who put together the system which allows the Beckhams to furlough their employees are the same people who have underfunded the health service to the point where a 99 year old man is walking lengths of his garden to raise money to support its staff.


Legendary Member
While not wishing to endorse the Daily Mail (and not having clicked the link), you are aware that this is the same Daily Mail that is currently being sued by the former royal couple and one of the tabloids that have just been told that they will not be co-operating with? No agenda at all behind the story is there @Accy cyclist


Cracking a solo.
Is this who we're talking about?



Legendary Member
I wonder if the owners of the Daily Mail have applied to furlough staff despite being fabulously wealthy (as the owners of the express are despite also slagging off the Beckhams?) :reading:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I wonder if the owners of the Daily Mail have applied to furlough staff despite being fabulously wealthy (as the owners of the express are?) :reading:
If they have then that's bad. Just as bad as rich football clubs,'celebrities' doing it with their housekeeper and gardener (not 'Becks' this time,but some other plank) and anyone else doing it who can afford to not do it! Didn't the government think this system would be open to legalised abuse when they introduced it?!

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I wonder if the owners of the Daily Mail have applied to furlough staff despite being fabulously wealthy (as the owners of the express are despite also slagging off the Beckhams?) :reading:
Just thought i'd show you this one.
Mind you,they have been asking for financial donations when you click the link to the Guardian, for quite a while,so i'm thinking they're in a bit of a financial quagmire.
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