Then get them out of here!
I often think of those two lines from Another day in paradise by Phil Collins and the 'Bono' bit in the first Do they know it's Christmas recording. "oh think twice,it's just another day for you and me in paradise" and "tonight thank god it's them instead of you". Yes most of us in the west aren't in absolute poverty and we have food and a roof over our heads,but i'd say the average person in the west is nearer to those who have nothing or very little, than nearer to those who have millions like Phil Collins,or even billions like yon Bono. I find those two lines from songs very patronising.I would imagine you sit pretty highly up the income bracket if you take everyone on the planet into the equation.
I often think of those two lines from Another day in paradise by Phil Collins and the 'Bono' bit in the first Do they know it's Christmas recording. "oh think twice,it's just another day for you and me in paradise" and "tonight thank god it's them instead of you". Yes we in the west aren't in absolute poverty and we have food and a roof over our heads,but i'd say the average person in the west is nearer to those who have nothing or very little, than nearer to those who have millions like Phil Collins,or even billions like yon Bono. i find those two lines from songs very patronising.
Confucius?This planet is just a speck of dust in the universe, we are so lucky in where we were born.
He has 4 A levels, English, maths, chemistry and history.
Damn! Well how about this one? He wouldn't be missed!If one dies of covid, sorry accy you're not having Beckham but I'd allow Joey Essex,
To be fair though, Phil Collins used to sport a balding mullet, and Bonio is one of those environmental campaigners who flies everywhere by private jet. It'd be nice to find a sleb that isn't a prat.I often think of those two lines from Another day in paradise by Phil Collins and the 'Bono' bit in the first Do they know it's Christmas recording. "oh think twice,it's just another day for you and me in paradise" and "tonight thank god it's them instead of you". Yes we in the west aren't in absolute poverty and we have food and a roof over our heads,but i'd say the average person in the west is nearer to those who have nothing or very little, than nearer to those who have millions like Phil Collins,or even billions like yon Bono. i find those two lines from songs very patronising.
Yeah, i read about her this morn' in CC's favourite tabloid! Why was she and hubby given Italian citizenship i wonder? Maybe they're short of their own 'celebs' in Italy that they have to import them?It's like Emma Thompson. She's a rabid euro luvvie (I'm not having that debate, just mention it to set the context), and was so incensed that she took Italian citizenship and moved to Venice. Fair play for that bit - instead of whittling about Europe she put her money where her sizeable mouth is. Except that when C-19 hit Italy she went scurrying back to Scotland, proving she only loves Europe when it is convenient for her.