Wow,that's original(!)You did see the pic' of your hero,complete with his 2 hat beard and nobber 'Peaky Blinders' cap i posted didn't you?
I'd like to write to him,saying something like..."Dear Becks. No one gives a shoot about what you and your attention seeking family are having for tea. You may have a supposed 60 million followers on shitogram,but they like you are total f..kwits with not much going on in their lives..or minds"!
Got it, you are not happy with your lot today are you, remember this, there is always someone worse off.
Also, football has not been of any interest to me since I started cycling over 54 years ago, last match I went to was the Jimmy Greaves testimonial. I am not celeb chaser, nor do I read about them, unlike someone, also I do not harbour jealousy of more succesful people.