Scotland : Ayrshire & Arran CC Arran Cycle - Sat 6th July 2013

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Without a clever title
Unfortunate end to an otherwise excellent day. Ross had a bad fall on a steep descent near the end. I had to race to catch the 1800 ferry - the rest are making sure he's alright.
Just a quick update. I can confirm the wheel has indeed gone to bike part heaven... Luckily after a quick check up at the hospital, apart from a split lip, a cut nose and sore wrist I'm pretty much in one piece :smile: Thanks all for looking after me until my folks arrived and reassuring them that I was ok. I will check back later to update on the rest of the ride, which was lots of fun! See you all again soon, once I've got the bike sorted! My mum says 'Thanks!' too... :smile:


Without a clever title
Some pics off my phone:

Busy times on the ferry (this is only one half of the bikes)

View towards Ailsa Craig

Rest stop

How many CC'ers does it take to refit a tyre?

View at the top of the last and biggest climb
Front wheel buggered, from what I heard.

Good to hear he's mostly OK - it was a very fast descent (I reached just under 50 mph), but I think the crash happened on a not quite as fast bit.

My GPS data from the day.

Cheers Rasmus, I'm staying over at the hotel my folks are at for their anniversary holiday (on a camp-bed in their room) Quite lucky they happened to be on the island at the same time... I don't know if it was just before my crash, but I had a look on the Garmin (which survived without a scratch!) and my top speed for the ride was 80.89 km/h :ohmy: Regardless, I have no idea how I haven't broken anything other than the front of my bike! :smile:


105% knowledge on 105
Glad to hear you are well Ross, glad its nothing more than shook up. I was shitting myself on that hill due to cross wind, and thought the worst when I seen you covered in blood. Bike was indeed a mess, but luckily the helmet and the bike took the worst of the hit. stole my tumble of the day crown :sad:


Yeah, the top section of the descent was really nasty with the wind, thankfully the faster part was more sheltered. Good to know you're OK Ross.

I'll definately go back to Arran again, its a great ride, but the climb over the mountain at the top is a killer. Strava has me at a top speed of 49.7mph :ohmy: and I'm not that anxious to beat it if I'm honest, very focussing.

Great to meet all you guys and I'll be back :smile:
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