IF manufacturers only made vehicles to be serviced easily. Inspection ports on the bell housing would allow a endoscope camera to see if seal was leaking. They design engines to be compact, bury parts like thermostats in the depth of the engine assy, requiring hours of work to change an inexpensive part. And, they wonder why folk don't maintain their cars properly, when faced with exorbitant bills just to diagnose.
Reminds me of my long gone Audi Q7 V8. Suddenly decided to blow clouds of smoke on hard acceleration, but was fine if driven normally. Audi wanted £7k to strip the engine down, bill could be up to £11k if it needed a new engine. This pretty much wrote the car off in value.
I traded it in at another make dealer. I gave them ample opportunity to find the issue when trading in. They took the car in for the day whilst I test drove a new car. I was offered just below market value, so bit their hand off. Good riddance, never bought a German car since.
That was the point where my journey into owning EVs