The little Aygo, has had an issue with the drivers side rear light, i.e. the captive 'thread' had snapped off the light unit - the whole rear light assembly is made of cheese on these. It's been stuck in for the last 12 months with silicone. I've decided, as we're getting to winter, to get a replacement unit. The cost of used units are around £100 normally (for a facelift MK1 Aygo). Found one for £40 delivered on the bay. Turned up this morning and I also ordered replacement gaskets for both lights to ensure a watertight seal (known issues on these).
All fixed, and the replacement unit even had a full set of working bulbs in it. Happy that I know the rear is guaranteed water tight. It's a problem with the whole lot including the newer models.
Take the light off. Fill the hole with epoxy. Drill out the hole slightly undersize and cut a hew thread into it.
Fitted new clutch into my sons vw Golf, At 72 i can still lift a gearbox,Saved him a few bob, he did give a bit of a hand, but he is completly useless when it comes to cars. Next job wet belt on my wifes fiesta, i need a few weeks to recover before i start that one,
Fitted new clutch into my sons vw Golf, At 72 i can still lift a gearbox,Saved him a few bob, he did give a bit of a hand, but he is completly useless when it comes to cars. Next job wet belt on my wifes fiesta, i need a few weeks to recover before i start that one,
For reasons of significantly reduced inertia and friction, and thus notably more power and economy, it's a great idea. The gains in those areas are notable.
It's just horribly executed in a manner that only Ford ever seem able to manage.