Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Baldwin's portrayal of Trump is not the reason for his reputation as a massive dickhead. He already had that reputation for some time prior to the Trump presidency.Absolutely Mr Rider. The don't need to be an expert, They don't need to know how to field strip a P226, or zero the sights on an M4, just the basic safety regime.
A morning of theory in the classroom, watching videos and being instructed by an expert, and an afternoon handling the vatious types of weapon they will be handling and practicing the drill would have cost very little in the grand scheme of a hollywood movie budget, and had they done so a woman would still be alive today.
The drill is very simple, very easy, and is the same for all. Show me its not loaded, show me there isn't one in the chamber/breech, and - where the weapons architecture permits - show me the barrel is clear. Then and only then, will i let you hand it to me. That is the same for all firearms, and is not difficult or unrealistic for a layman to master quickly. (Tilt) Cock-Lock-Look is as simple as remembering 3 words.
Im thick as two short ones and I understand it, so theres no reason why Baldwin - who thinks himself intelligent enough to have a high opinion about all sorts of things that no one asked his opinion on - should have any difficulty with the concept.
Interestingly, according to CNN, the assistant director who handed Balwdin the weapon had recently been dismissed from another production over allegations of poor weapons safety on his part.
Indeed, Baldwin's high opinions have had an unforseen twist. He was not a Trump fan, which is fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but his public pith taking and lampooning weren't in the best of taste and were rather puerile. Now the boot is on the other foot and Donald Trump Jr is taking revenge by selling "Guns don't kill people - Alec Baldwin does" T shirts and is doing a roaring trade. Selling very well, apparently.
Poor taste of the highest order, but hidden within is a lesson - be careful who you needlessly take the pith out of, because karma can turn the tabkes most unexpectedly.