It was a good final post. Well done Pinno.
The repost here does perhaps give it an unintended implication

It was a good final post. Well done Pinno.
I think I listened to the same feature as you - it made it sound as if unpaid moderators were also at risk of unlimited fines
I know ofcom has said it won't be touching the smaller sites - but would you trust that ?
I think I listened to the same feature as you - it made it sound as if unpaid moderators were also at risk of unlimited fines
I know ofcom has said it won't be touching the smaller sites - but would you trust that ?
Sledgehammer to crack a nut type legislation or so it seems.
Well done Mr. P, hope you had a lie in after that.
Time to get familiar with the latest iteration of The Matrix...
Should it be the blue pill?Blue pill or red?
Blue pill or red?
Should it be the blue pill?
Pesronally I don't think dogs should be allowed to have knives and any legislation that helps prevent this is welcome.Whole thing feels a lot like the legislation around dogs and knives. Overcomplicating legitimate pursuits while not addressing the root of the problem. Anyway, probably straying into politics so will stop there.
Ofcom's spectacular lack of clarity has been really unhelpful. They are not trying to put the genie back in the bottle. They are just spewing smoke in the hope no-one can see they aren't even trying, probably because they've decided it's impossible to save all the small sites getting destroyed.The root cause of the problem is somewhat beyond ofcom's control. They are trying to put a genie back in the bottle.