Bike Radar forum refugees

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Legendary Member
Devon & Die
How many under 18s join cycling forums?
I’d be amazed if there were more than a handful of under 25s.

They're probably all on Myspace.


Active Member
South London
Ex Cake Stoppers might care to pop over to the politics bit here and find something that might take your fancy (or not) - you'll see what I mean.

For those who haven't already done the necessary registration for the unmoderated part of CC, you can do that ➡️ here.

I see my name is being taken in vain. Am I a joke to you 🤨
Weirdly, I am in no hurry to register. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.


Leg End Member
How many under 18s join cycling forums?
I’d be amazed if there were more than a handful of under 25s.
young Ed!
Then you have all those doing research for school.


I have filled out the contact form to get a log in for the NCAP
How long does it take to get a reply?
I get that they are probably busy dealing with the small boats coming over from Bike Radar ^_^
I get that they are probably busy dealing with the small boats coming over from Bike Radar

To help us, please tell us who-is-who in this picture:



Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
A above ^: Make it adult only. This circumvents that rule.
The problem with making a forum "adult only" is that you can only do that if you verify people's ages and pretty much every age-verification service is expensive, ineffective, a scam, or some combination of those.

B This can be self policing. In all the forums I have been on, I have never witnessed posters who have actively promoted self harm, suicide and similar and had they, would have faced a backlash.
I think there's far more likely to be problems with promoting now-illegal content about animal abuse (some of the famous advice for cyclists about fighting off dogs goes a bit far for current sensibilities) and smuggling (such as how to get your camping knives across borders) than self-harm or suicide.


You are correct (in a way) but until some precedent has been set i.e a legal repercussion, nobody will know. It's a bit like the 20mph speed limit - I haven't actually seen or heard of it being enforced locally.
If your jalopy can't reach 20mph... if you see what I mean?

the issue is that it's opinion based, opinions can change, they can also be concocted

precedent is no use when investigation/prosecution is at the whim of whoever in charge at the time, even if it never reached a court, the cost in both monetary and personal terms could still be very high - look at the use of slapp actions in the uk
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