Bike envy

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It's a reflection of how much of the enthusiast end of cycling has been hijacked by the "New golf" breed. Image and expensive kit matter as much to them as the actual cycling, if not more. When I was still riding I used to long for the day when cycling became unfashionable and they'd all eff off to the latest "In thing" and leave bikes to the real enthusiasts whose pleasure came from riding and not from just owning something that was out of reach of the majority.

I'm probably in the minority here, but I preferred it when cycling was a geek sport and there was a real camaraderie among those who took part, without all the bitchy sneering at someone who had to ride on a budget. And don't give me all that, "The more bikes on the road the fewer cars" stuff, the type of people we are talking about get back from their morning ride and jump in the car like they always did to ferry the family off to B&Q or wherever they would have gone anyway if they had never owned a bike.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
@Smokin Joe - agreed. However, from experience I've found that when they realise it's a bit harder than they thought the appeal rapidly dissipates.


A lot of interests have become like this over the years, especially with cheap credit, Motorcycling is the same, brand new PCP funded bikes, £2000 textile suits, £800 helmets. It’s all a load of bollocks, just plough your own furrow or join a more inclusive club and mix with more humble people. Envy is a horrible thing, once that seed of dissatisfaction starts to take hold it’s a miserable place to be.
I'm far too slow a cyclist to care about what other people think of what I do or don't ride. Mind you, at my height, there ain't a great deal of choice anyway, so it's something of a moot point.

The important thing is that *I* am happy with my bikes. Which I am, and that's all that matters.

IMHO, keeping up appearances is a futile exercise.


Devotee of OCD
We all like nice things, however I think it's sad how pretty much every interest that involves gear has been hijacked to appease the gaping, insatiable gullet of consumerism and consumption.

It seems that by association many have been brainwashed into equating success and personal worth almost soley with the cost / perceived prestige of their equipment.

If you're a competitive cyclist who actively partakes in competition with other competitive cyclists there's a legitimate argument for buying every competivive edge you can. For most others IMO buying a new high-end bike every ten minutes just smacks of crass conspicuous consumption - especially if the individual fits the classic "all the gear, no idea" model.

Tbh I pity people who think this way; likely duped into spending ridiculous sums on arguably poor value kit in the quest to buy their way closer to ultimately abitrary, manufactured goals (speed, weight etc) in an effort to fill some indescribable hole in their lives when the pleasure of the activity in itself and legit personal development should be where the reward is sought and found.

It saddens me how divisive this mindset is too; anyone getting out on any bike should be seen as an ally; not looked down upon because it cost x amount less than yours did, or doesn't tick some box the marketing men blagged you into thinking mattered.

In Fishing these people are (I believe) called “Tackle Tarts”.

But you can apply the notion of buying yourself some kudos / skill / speed / technology to pretty much any hobby…..


Cynical idealist
I'm a human being who uses a bike as transport.
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