Bicycle lights at station

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No, it's not okay to call the first guy a jobsworth. You could just have taken your postal vote and handed it in.

What if the dog had eaten the paperwork? Should I not be allowed to vote?
That's as rare as the dog eating one's homework but anyone so careless could just contact the returning officer and politely request a replacement pack.

You're missing the point (possibly deliberately); even if I was the most incompetent buffoon on the electoral roll, and actually ate the paperwork myself on the way to the Polling Station at 2150hours, I still have a right to vote.

Trying to deny me that right on the basis of some perceived rule is pretty much a text book definition of Jobsworth.
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Legendary Member
did you take him some soap ?

He found some on the floor in the shower.


Charming but somewhat feckless
Because the dog ate it. (I thought we'd been through this ... )

That’s not what you said at the start. You later threw in a hypothetical “what if my dog ate it?”.

I’m not trying to trick you, I’m asking why you didn’t take your completed postal ballot.
That’s not what you said at the start. You later threw in a hypothetical “what if my dog ate it?”.

I’m not trying to trick you, I’m asking why you didn’t take your completed postal ballot.

Why does it matter? The clerk doesn't know, and I didn't have to tell him. So "my dog ate it" is as good a reason as any. (I made origami BoJos out of it is also a good reason. Take your pick.)

Now you tell me - why should I not be able to vote?
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