Bicycle lights at station

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
I find if you flick the dynamo light to off as you arrive at the station then the lights are off by the time you reach the platform.
I have no citation, but I've heard a few times that RED lights are a safety issue. This seems sensible to me. I don't believe white lights are a problem; there are many white lights at a station - they are installed so people can see where they are going.
A station official did once admonish me for my front (dyno) light - I politely replied that only red rear lights are an issue, and he sulked off.

IANAL. (or a policeman!)

Any light, even green, can be an emergency stop light on the railway if shaken up and down.


Legendary Member
Any light, even green, can be an emergency stop light on the railway if shaken up and down.

Mr Fly is wise. A driver won't waste time peering at it and trying to figure out what it might be - seconds wasted doing that could cost lives.

If they see an unexpected light and it isn't immediately apparent what it is they'll emergency brake first, ask questions later.
I simply stated my understanding of the rules. I've been alive long enough to know that jobsworths exist, and they invent rules for their own amusement (or simply misunderstand rules, due to stupidity or poor training).

This is exactly why all people, no exceptions, should be made to work for 6 months in a public facing role so that they can see what arrogant, self-centred, know-all, ignorant donkey-pits the public can be.
Yes I’ve been called an “officious jobsworth” for telling someone, who was more interested in posting on the internet, to pay attention to the important safety brief I was trying to give him. He reacted by throwing a tantrum and reporting me to management. Guess what? The boss had met his sort before and gently and diplomatically told him on a public website, what a divvy he was.
This is exactly why all people, no exceptions, should be made to work for 6 months in a public facing role so that they can see what arrogant, self-centred, know-all, ignorant donkey-pits the public can be.
Having worked in several public facing roles I wholeheartedly agree. "Jobsworth, Jumped up little Hitler, etc etc, I've heard them all.

After a while it just rolls off your back and on the next meal break you have your colleagues giggling when you describe the *Shakes imaginary Coke bottle* you
had to put up with.


Kilometre nibbler
arrogant, self-centred, know-all, ignorant donkey-pits

Top ranting! You should get a prize of some sort for that.
Having worked in several public facing roles I wholeheartedly agree. "Jobsworth, Jumped up little Hitler, etc etc, I've heard them all.

After a while it just rolls off your back and on the next meal break you have your colleagues giggling when you describe the *Shakes imaginary Coke bottle* you
had to put up with.

My thoughts were usually along the lines of “ I’m getting well paid to do what you are paying to do. “ I may have thought aloud occasionally.
So, jobsworths ....

Went to vote last night. Stupidly I'd registered for postal vote but left it too late. So I went in person, with photo-id and the bit of paper with my ballot/voter/wotever-number on it.
First bloke behind the desk told me I couldn't vote in person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luckily his two colleagues realised this was absurd, so one found a manager-type, and they came up with a solution (which involved sellotape, and took me much longer than doing my bit properly would have done :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:)

#isitok to call the first guy a Jobsworth?
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