Bacon rolls

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Tin Pot

So bacon... fry, grill or oven? I'm a fry man myself. Streaky smoked slow fried until the fat renders out and it goes nice and crispy.

Is it only me that fries the sandwich (not the cob/bap/bun etc) in the residual bacon fat after putting the bacon in it? Yum

I use the barbeque to grill bacon.

I fear BBQ sauce has replaced all our HP sauce, like a cuckoo's egg. :sad:

Tin Pot

Smithfield on Watling Street, London do the most amazing bacon buttie on brown bread for £3.45.



Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Don't touch the sauce bottles in cafes or burger vans etc! I've seen people come out the toilet without washing their hands then hold the sauce bottles. Imagine touching that bottle then holding your bacon buttie!:ohmy:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Nailing my (red) colours to the mast here:

View attachment 95714

No butter or spread i notice!:thumbsdown:
....Smithfields - yep, done that one. Was working in Kirby St near Farringdon Stn back in 1990 for six months. On the nightshift was feeling a bit peckish, the lads said take a wander over to the meat market area and see whats happening. Place was a hive of industry, made me feel glad I wasn't the only poor sod working during the small hours. All the shops and cafes and pubs were all open - amazing to see. Anyways, had a fantastic bacon and egg sarnie, and I mean proper bacon and fresh as you could get it.

Around that time a mate of mine was working up north, somewhere near Manchester, and he said he went into a chippie up there, and a scrawny kid in front of him asked for a 'chip barm pea wet'........the pea wet being a splash of juice from the mushy peas. I'll stick with my bacon butties I think ^_^
1.jpg's what I knocked up for my Saturday morning treat. They are of course butter croissants, so no further embellishment needed other than HP and a dash of pepper, and a mug of tea to wash it all down. Have to say they were a tad colder than ideal, due to getting them ready for a formal portrait, but delicious nonetheless.....


West Somerset
View attachment 95718's what I knocked up for my Saturday morning treat. They are of course butter croissants, so no further embellishment needed other than HP and a dash of pepper, and a mug of tea to wash it all down. Have to say they were a tad colder than ideal, due to getting them ready for a formal portrait, but delicious nonetheless.....
The like is for the photo and your "getting them ready for a formal portrait" comment rather than the cacky sauce.
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