anyone know this cyclist?

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Far East Sussex
Oh, that.

The letter I got was almost surely one in this comprehensive collection.

. . .

This post was later hijacked to add the following:
I was pitched into a bit of hot water myself when I published some satire elsewhere which this thread incited me to produce.... I blame Glenn, of course (who may want to start distancing himself from me about now, if he hasn't already).

Rumours that we were spotted in the vicinity of the incident are almost entirely without foundation.

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Bird Saviour
Not saying cyclist was right, obviously shouldn't be on the pavement, but he doesn't exactly look like a yob on a bike. So if the parents are so adamant there was an altercation, why is there no footage of what happened after? It might be he actually came back to see if she was ok (lets not forget he fell off so it would have took some time to get up and he might of been swearing but out of shock) They might just be so angry that their child got injured that they have exaggerated. You don't even see them arguing and if he just rode off, how did they get the photo (they certainly didn't take it on the cctv). Perhaps he did stop, they decided their child was ok, he rode off but didn't give his details and now they want to sue.

shoot like this happens all the time... That's why insurance companies don't believe there majority of people have whiplash.


Legendary Member
May I point out a few things here
A. we only have the mothers version of the "cyclist did a runner" and not the cyclist, are there always two sides to a story? we haven't got his version of the event, and if he did a runner how was she able to take the picture of him>?
B. We have the mother saying he swore at them before cycling off (True or untrue, only her version was reported)
C. watch the mothers reaction as the event happens, it's not one of rushing to her child, but directly at the cyclist.
D. watch the video to the 7 second mark, tell me what was the mothers intentions with her right arm and the item she was holding?
E. Did she indeed strike out at the cyclist knocking him off his bike (as stated he did by her) maybe that's why he swore and that's why the husband didn't intervene?
F. did the parents give the cyclist enough time to apologies (maybe he did and maybe he didn't) as they seemed to jump into the car pretty quick

Yes I understand and agree the cyclist was a complete nobber for riding on the pavement / disregard for pedestrians, I'm not disputing that, but this is such a one sided story of all cyclists are painted with the same brush.

All of which took place AFTER the cyclist had ridden up the foot way like a pecker and run into a kiddie, and in no way diminishes, excuses or negates the selfishness and stupidity of doing so.
May I point out a few things here
A. we only have the mothers version of the "cyclist did a runner" and not the cyclist, are there always two sides to a story? we haven't got his version of the event, and if he did a runner how was she able to take the picture of him>?
B. We have the mother saying he swore at them before cycling off (True or untrue, only her version was reported)
C. watch the mothers reaction as the event happens, it's not one of rushing to her child, but directly at the cyclist.
D. watch the video to the 7 second mark, tell me what was the mothers intentions with her right arm and the item she was holding?
E. Did she indeed strike out at the cyclist knocking him off his bike (as stated he did by her) maybe that's why he swore and that's why the husband didn't intervene?
F. did the parents give the cyclist enough time to apologies (maybe he did and maybe he didn't) as they seemed to jump into the car pretty quick

Yes I understand and agree the cyclist was a complete nobber for riding on the pavement / disregard for pedestrians, I'm not disputing that, but this is such a one sided story of all cyclists are painted with the same brush.

I think you are completely right. The mother threatened him with the item that she was holding and he probably thought he was going to murdered. Furthermore there was no necessity to take a bleeding child to the hospital with just haste. They should have done the decent thing and allowed the cyclist to compose himself and be given the opportunity to apologise. Maybe if the couple did not have the child, this cyclist would not have been put in such situation in the first place.
As I posted before , (and I realise it is making an assumption without full knowledge), I still have a feeling that there is some sort of learning difficulty with this cyclist.
Whilst this does not "excuse" his behaviour, it must at least be mitigation


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
He learns well enough to ride a bike...
Err... he obviously doesn't.


Legendary Member
Disinterested. He hit the girl on the bike as a consequence of being a tool and riding on the foot way. What happened seconds after that is an irrelevance and does nothnig to alter or lessen his guilt. If he doesn't like the consequences then he should cease to ride like a nodder.

"I didn't know it was illegal." A, I don't believe someone bright enough to earn a degree could not know that, and B, it's no defence.
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