Anyone else spent ages waiting for "hot weather"to ride in then find it's too hot?

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Legendary Member
I'm faster in hot weather but I don't wait for it. It's the long summer evenings that make cycling enjoyable for me.


My whole year has been crap so far.Worst ever.Niggly health problems.And not liking the two statins i have had to try.Stuffed them down the loo.Sorry NHS.So looking forward to a better end to the year.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Apparently you can acclimatise yourself. Takes around 10 days I recall reading recently. I don't fancy doing it though, too damned uncomfortable.

That's good news for me then. Ten days of acclimatisation rides starting this coming Monday followed by eighteen days of acclimatised riding will do nicely.

Looking at the weather forecast, things are working in my favour on my tour.. The temperatures are going to gently drop from 33 degrees to 27 degrees before climbing back to 30 degrees in the first week.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
After a few days of warm weather, I have just discovered the joys of not wearing a helmet. I like it. My T shirt remains yellow but not exactly Hi Viz. This could be progress.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
38C in the sun and 35C in the shade recorded in our backyard/garden at 5pm today!:ohmy:


Fast and careful!
I'm finding it hard to go fast in the heat this week,due to sweating and a bit of fatigue,but a nice 16 mph average ride is very pleasant,the problem is in the dry weather I have to ride every day have broken my most ever miles in a month yesterday with a week to go


due to roadworks and my car being in the garage for a week I decided to start my commute again yesterday, 3 miles each way 'downhill' on to work 'UPHILL' on the way home. I am a generous 122kg and haven't cycled for a long time and I don't think i've picked the best week to start. Coming in is fine, but got the oh to pick me up last night as i wasn't ready for the heat but going to give it a go later...


I am in Mallorca at the moment and once you leave the coast road and head inland you lose the sea breeze and the heat is mental. As long as you keep rehydrating you should be ok. But to be honest this sort of heat does sap the strength from you.
As long as you're not stupid enjoy it . It's got to be better than the cold and wet.
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