Chapeau!!, you've reached those heady heights a lot quicker than me!!
It was only my
98th event this morning, which in a way, is my fault
(100th, should be on 16th September, due to shifts)
I ran the very first at Pontefract (7th May 2011), then didn't return until
84, 86, 89, 94, 120
Another big gap, from
211, to
When I was on weekends off, or on a 'late-turn', I got to preferring a lay-in, to running in whatever weather. As you do
Nostell Priory started on 26th July 2014 (which equated to Pontefracts 165th!)
I ran the first few;
1, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc....
And gaps like
15, to
I ran at Pontefract
(#327th) this morning, I was mainly, at that event, to try & see a couple of (triathlete/duathlete) friends
Mick was there. but Angela was working
It was a fairly steady run, given the cough, that's troubled me for the past few days
Heck!, before the start, I couldn't talk to Ron (another Ackworth member) for more than 2 -3 words without a series of coughs
72nd/324 @ 24:35
I often have knee pains, not severe, but 'niggling'
I do presume that most of it is due to work though, & being busy on my feet all shift, barring meal-break
Then, running - or riding - home afterwards