Aeropress - Any experienced users on here, I need tips!

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Isca Dumnoniorum
Search for James Hoffmann on YouTube, he does excellent videos on coffee (he's a bit smug though 🙄), alot of aeropress demos. Dwell time is an individual choice, you home in on the sweet spot for your palate with a bit of practise. I think the creator probably said no dwell time as a marketing plug, all coffee needs some dwell time, however long or short that may be will be debated for centuries to come.

Inverted brew for me too with an Aeropress (although nowadays my morning brew is from an espresso machine).

Time Waster

There's a new bottom piece that controls the flow and prevents drips.

Flow control part

Maybe so, but I tried the "orthodox" method and I tried inverted and preferred the coffee output from inverted. Also the metal filters allow the liquid to start dribbling through too quick before you get to the plunge.

Time Waster

BTW, the guy who's aeropress wore out, got can buy the rubber seal, chamber, plunger with or without the rubber seal and the bottom filter holder separately.

Or you buy a new one.

The point being that they do as many parts as you might need to keep the rest of it going.


Maybe so, but I tried the "orthodox" method and I tried inverted and preferred the coffee output from inverted. Also the metal filters allow the liquid to start dribbling through too quick before you get to the plunge.

Either my metal filter is finer than yours, or I put in way more coffee than you. Or it’s finer ground I guess. Any road, I’ve never had any complaints about dribbles.
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