Any good jokes ... ?

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Does anybody know what the Knights in White sat in?

Sadal dressing?
talking of which guess who was a wise man at a school play ?:hello:

I was on telly!!!

I think I was a shepard - it was supposed to be on Granada News at 6 and I was allowed to stay up to watch it
(shows how young I was and how long ago it was)
but it never appeared
turned out it was on at 9 by which time I was already in bed

There was a photo hanging around but when my parents both died and I was clearing the house I didn;t see it
anyway - that was my TV career


Legendary Member
white dog poo

What happened to that??

Used to see it around Moreton Cross all the time

I have been told it was because dogs used to have bones and it was caused by the calcium or something

But my dog had bones and her poo was never white

side note - she was weird with a bone - lay in the garden with it knawing at it for an hour or so
then went off and buried it

but the daft bitch never remembered where she had put it
the next day I would see her sadly wandering around the garden pawing at random bits of soil
I had to keep an eye on her and watch where she buried it - then go out after 10-15 minutes and dig it up
other wise I would not see it again until I dug the garden over - which was not often so it had rotted by then

She would watch me dig it up in a very worried manner as if wondering if she was allowed to intervene
but once I had retrieved it she would carefully grab it and gently pull it away in a worried manner
the go and chew it again for a while
but then just leave it on the grass - never thought about re-burying it

Strange dog - the deep tooth marks on the solid bone were rather worrying though - there was some serious power in the laws of the daft looking dog!
(German Shepard BTW)


Leg End Member
A local bar prided itself on having the strongest man in the village behind the counter. They even had a standing £1000 bet to prove it.
The challenge? The barman would squeeze a lemon until every last drop of juice was gone. Then, anyone who could squeeze out another drop would win the money.
Weightlifters, arm wrestlers, and other tough guys all tried—and failed.
One day, a scrawny little man walked in. He was barely noticeable, wearing scratched glasses and a threadbare polyester suit that looked decades old.
“I’d like to take the bet,” he said in a quiet voice.
The bar erupted in laughter, but the barman shrugged and grabbed a fresh lemon. He squeezed it with all his might until it was just a shriveled rind. Then, with a smirk, he handed it to the little man.
The bar fell silent as the scrawny man clenched his fist around the lemon. To everyone’s shock, a single drop of juice fell into the glass.
He squeezed again—another drop.
And then again—a third drop.
The room was stunned. No one could believe their eyes.
The barman, now thoroughly impressed, handed over the £1000 prize. “Mate, what do you do for a living? Are you a lumberjack? A metalworker? A weightlifter?”
The little man adjusted his glasses and replied with a faint smile, “I’m a tax collector.”
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