Annoyed by cyclists from local club

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Secret Lemonade Drinker
+1 well done


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Shouting out 'stopping' is a bit daft too as each person should be prepared to stop and leave a sufficient gap to stop safely. Bike generally don't have brake lights and indicators but the riders do have arm signals they can use.

It's not daft, it's just basic cycling manners in a group, just like signalling turns or calling out or pointing out road defects or glass etc. Apart from warning those behind you, it lets those ahead know that they'll lose the back end if they carry on regardless. And arm signals are all very well, but if you need to stop (you may have a sudden mechanical, or cramp or something, nothing to do with red lights), it's safer to have both hands on the brakes....;) A good group will anticipate the possibilty of lights changing, and the front few will check behind to see that the tail gets through, or whether they need to ease off and let them catch up. At least they will on social rides, the only kind I care about.

I quite agree that the riders in the OP are cocks, as are any group who act like they own the road and ignore the rules.


While this may be a troll and is clearly off topic, I'll reply just the once!
The car should have left plenty of room (5 feet) and also anticipated the potential hazard.
If you think about it, there's no reason why his overtake has priority over that of the cyclist who you say pulled out!

I am sorry but I cannot believe that you typed that last bit! I am new on here so don't want to be confrontational so please go easy on me if you bother to reply but you cannot really be serious?

Are you saying that if I am in the midst of an overtake, or have started my maneuver, then the overtakee (?) has as much right to now proceed to instigate an overtake as I did and do? Think it through please?

And I think my thoughts are backed up on the next page or so by the quotes from the Highway Code :hello:

I have ridden a motorbike in and out of London for many years. I learned to ride in London. 'Lifesaver' really does get called that for a very good reason!! Trust me....

Anyway - hope no offence caused?

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
Reply from Lisa Colombo of Kinston Phoenix. If/when I get a reply from the other one I will put it up here too

Thanks for the heads-up about this.

I am dismayed to read this about any group of cyclists, sincerely hope that it wasn't any of ours and can only apologise if I am wrong.
But being too small a club to have a group of the size described out yesterday - particularly as a third of the usual Sunday riding group were out marshalling yesterday morning - I find it hard to believe that it could be our lot.

That said, I have written this post:
on our club forum because it is not behaviour that we would wish to condone or encourage - and that's just the red-light jumping. Swearing at someone for legally and properly stopping at the lights in front of you is even more stupid and inexcusable.

Obviously as the original poster on your thread was reluctant to actually name and shame - he may even have assumed that there is only the one Kingston Club - then we get tarred with the same brush.

sorry Frank 9755 totally disagree with you if you ride in a group and choose to overtake cyclists in front who are riding 3 abreast you should do a lifesaver as well as check your mirror if fitted ! As a car driver is commited to the overtake allready , surely a quick glance over the shoulder is more appropriate than getting ahead of the bunch , forgot to ad said cyclist was wearing earphones in IE i pod etc think he was mad to be honest! enough accident to cyclists have happened this year allready.
While this may be a troll and is clearly off topic, I'll reply just the once!
The car should have left plenty of room (5 feet) and also anticipated the potential hazard.
If you think about it, there's no reason why his overtake has priority over that of the cyclist who you say pulled out!


Well-Known Member
Perhaps a little clarification's needed - were they generally taking the whole lane as a group, and did the guy that pulled out stay in that lane, or did he move into the next lane out ?


Legendary Member
Some clubs can be very poor about this type of thing.
For example, the London Dynamo think they own Richmond Park on a Saturday morning. Woe-betide if anyone is in the way of a chain gang. Utter arses they can be.

Yes and no!

The fast chain gangs who sweep past me do behave as you say, the slower ones which creep past are much more considerate
hi henshaw 11 , this particular dual carriagway is very busy cars well exceeding 70 mph the car was overtaking and probably should have anticipated that a cyclist may try to overtake! but think the cyclist who pulled out should give a lifesaver as a matter of course especially on a busy road, not saying that you shouldnt listen to I pods etc but personally think its dangerous when you cycle to some extent as you cannot hear approaching traffic , ps the car had to use the fast lane as the bunch of cyclist were riding 3 abreast usin all of the width of the lane hope that clarifies the situation, think he was very fortuanate not to be hit by the car who did give a loud blast on his horn!!
Perhaps a little clarification's needed - were they generally taking the whole lane as a group, and did the guy that pulled out stay in that lane, or did he move into the next lane out ?


Active Member
hi henshaw 11 , this particular dual carriagway is very busy cars well exceeding 70 mph the car was overtaking and probably should have anticipated that a cyclist may try to overtake! but think the cyclist who pulled out should give a lifesaver as a matter of course especially on a busy road, not saying that you shouldnt listen to I pods etc but personally think its dangerous when you cycle to some extent as you cannot hear approaching traffic , ps the car had to use the fast lane as the bunch of cyclist were riding 3 abreast usin all of the width of the lane hope that clarifies the situation, think he was very fortuanate not to be hit by the car who did give a loud blast on his horn!!

Surely the car driver should have used the outside lane no matter how many abreast the cyclists were?

Did the extra cyclist cross into L2 or was he still on the left of the dotted line?


Active Member


Active Member
Reply from Lisa Colombo of Kinston Phoenix. If/when I get a reply from the other one I will put it up here too

Thanks for the heads-up about this.

I am dismayed to read this about any group of cyclists, sincerely hope that it wasn't any of ours and can only apologise if I am wrong.
But being too small a club to have a group of the size described out yesterday - particularly as a third of the usual Sunday riding group were out marshalling yesterday morning - I find it hard to believe that it could be our lot.

That said, I have written this post:
on our club forum because it is not behaviour that we would wish to condone or encourage - and that's just the red-light jumping. Swearing at someone for legally and properly stopping at the lights in front of you is even more stupid and inexcusable.

Obviously as the original poster on your thread was reluctant to actually name and shame - he may even have assumed that there is only the one Kingston Club - then we get tarred with the same brush.


Very impressive and rapid response. I'm glad to say the two cyclists (1 male, 1 female) were not part of Kingston Phoenix. Therefore the club in question was the Wheelers. There were loads of them around on Sunday and all the others I encountered were perfectly pleasant.

We all make little mistakes sometimes. I'm prepared to believe that they made a mistake in the heat of the moment and probably will do the right thing next time.
Hi the cyclist was on the white lane markers dividing the 2 lanes so dangerously close I WOULD SAY
Surely the car driver should have used the outside lane no matter how many abreast the cyclists were?

Did the extra cyclist cross into L2 or was he still on the left of the dotted line?
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