Annoyed by cyclists from local club

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Active Member
Unfortunately Kingston is absolutely chock full at weekends, especially in nice weather, of what our petrol headed compatriots would refer to as lycra louts - there are some lovely bikes and some flashy kit, but it sounds like there are also a few attitude issues.


Well-Known Member
Let's get this straight - these are w*nkers on bicycles, not cyclists. They are at the ignorant fundamentalist edge of our sphere and as such should not be tolerated.

I understand the mentality of these people only too well but we should never condone cycling through red lights so that they keep in with the rest of the pack - its absurd. We all know how easy it is in catching up with other folk.

A strongly worded e-mail to their club secretary will hopefully get an overall bollocking from them to the whole group and then the message will get across.

Dan B

Disengaged member
I agree they're w*nkers on bicycles, but they're still cyclists just as much as w*nkers in cars are motorists...


If I go out with the CTC group it's common for half the group to make it through the lights and the over half not. So we pull over a little way along the road at a safe stopping point and regroup.

It basically amounts to 'I want to go as fast possible so I will ignore the rules of the road' to jump red lights with this excuse.

Exactly - not rocket science is it.

Perhaps I should start motor racing on the streets at weekends instead of on an enclosed race track.


Well-Known Member
While this may be a troll and is clearly off topic, I'll reply just the once!
The car should have left plenty of room (5 feet) and also anticipated the potential hazard.
If you think about it, there's no reason why his overtake has priority over that of the cyclist who you say pulled out!

Sorry Frank, I disagree, as per highway code the overtaking vehicle has priority.section 162.
The car should have left plenty of room ,agreed, but five feet, do you give other cars on the road 5 feet when overtaking? see section 163 below.
There is a reason why you must look over your shoulder when getting ready to overtake,its not called a life saver for nothing. see 212 below.
Its about being a responsible road user and trying to preserve your life, if you ride like an idiot its only a matter of time.

The Highway Code - Overtaking (162-169)

162 - Before overtaking you should make sure
  • the road is sufficiently clear ahead
  • road users are not beginning to overtake you
  • there is a suitable gap in front of the road user you plan to overtake

give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car (see Rules 211-215)

When passing motorcyclists and cyclists, give them plenty of room (see Rules 162-167). If they look over their shoulder it could mean that they intend to pull out, turn right or change direction. Give them time and space to do so.


Well-Known Member
You forget rule 213:

Motorcyclists and cyclists may suddenly need to avoid uneven road surfaces and obstacles such as drain covers or oily, wet or icy patches on the road. Give them plenty of room and pay particular attention to any sudden change of direction they may have to make.

As for how much room you would give a car, a road lane is about 11 feet wide, a car is about 6 foot - if you are going fully into the oncoming carriageway then it's going to about 5-6 feet

(Bad cycling not withstanding.)

Mad at urage

New Member
Not Frank, but since most cars are over 5ft wide then yes, when overtaking another car I will give it rather more than 5ft of room! The Highway Code has a Helpful Picture to illustrate this idea when overtaking a cyclist, and the cyclist is being given "as much room as ... a car" i.e. more than 5ft.


New Member
Sound like the kind of over agressive over eager knobbers that almost all sports have at the fringes, they never made it as pro's so it becomes everyones else's falut for holding them back - how dare you get in their way? don't you know they once almost got selected for the Olympics?

Shouty dads at kids saturday football, 30 something surfers who think it's cool to square up to teenagers on Fistral beach, paintballers who think it really is war - the world is full of these idiots.
Sorry GB but that's just a really crap excuse, if they're riding on the road then they're aware of the possibilites of traffic lights, road furniture and other road users including slower cyclists. If they make a mistake that's fair enough, if they prioritise their chaingang/speed over the legitimate interests of others, and the law of the land, then they are cocks.

+1 I know it does take co'ordination when riding in a group but most riders make adjustment to allow for it when riding through that environment; on our rides there's usually also the shout from an experienced member to stay in pairs through town. I did have one who nearly came into the back of me (bounced of the back of my wheel and gave me a tirade of abuse) when the girl next to me stopped as is right to do at a red light she shouted, I shouted, she braked slightly harder and nobody came into back of her. I felt sorry for the poor guy who brushed off the back of me and ended up with a badly staved finger but there was no way I was cycling into the side of a car, that would have hurt me more and might have hurt him more too :rolleyes:
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