Annoyed by cyclists from local club

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The worst I've seen on a club run was when we were in a chaingang and some walkers/joggers approached us on a road without pavements. They were naturally on the our side of the road coming towards us and nearly everybody got by no problem but one idiot in our pack started to have a go at them, 'get aff the ffing road, etc' (now where have we heard that before :rolleyes: ) he quickly got told to mind his language.


Squat Member
If you are annoyed, I suggest you drop a line to the club secretary.



slower but no further
SE London
Just to say if you do get involved in a peloton as the lights change to red then there is an understanding amongst club members (at least in our non-Kingston Club) that the first person who decides to stop should shout 'stopping' well in advance and a few seconds before braking so there is no danger of a pile-up. Otherwise it is considered safest to carry through. That can mean that some can clip the first few seconds of a red. In a way a peloton acts as a single vehicle where, to use an anology, the lorry trailer will often be going through on red whilst the first part was on a legitimate green or a dodgy amber.

(I'm not condoning it - just saying how some people see it).

Of course if they were detached then they should certainly stop - although the temptation not to get more detached might get the better of them.

Hence if you get caught get in a crowd of club cyclists or any bunch of cyclists - shouting 'stopping' when you do is always a good idea. Might have got them to automatically brake & stop.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Some clubs can be very poor about this type of thing.
For example, the London Dynamo think they own Richmond Park on a Saturday morning. Woe-betide if anyone is in the way of a chain gang. Utter arses they can be.
in car on sunday there was a group of cyclists on a busy dual carriagway obviously racing each other [ THEY WERE MOSTLY 3 ABREAST OF EACH OTHER!!} a car went to overtake them then a cyclist pulled out didnt check behind [ NO LIFESAVER!!!} the car narrowly missed him by inches!! boy was he lucky, the car had pulled in the next layby and was obviously going to confront them.


Nr Cambridge
Just to say if you do get involved in a peloton as the lights change to red then there is an understanding amongst club members (at least in our non-Kingston Club) that the first person who decides to stop should shout 'stopping' well in advance and a few seconds before braking so there is no danger of a pile-up. Otherwise it is considered safest to carry through. That can mean that some can clip the first few seconds of a red. In a way a peloton acts as a single vehicle where, to use an anology, the lorry trailer will often be going through on red whilst the first part was on a legitimate green or a dodgy amber.
+1 once got caught up in an absolute mellay of cyclists*, the only way the group could safely pull through a set of traffic lights was just to through as a single large group. For anyone to try & stop for the lights would have required a lot of coordination in a decidedly disorganised group of riders with 2 large, thoroughly mixed & fragmented groups of riders as a single bunch.


Lover of things that come in 3's
+1 once got caught up in an absolute mellay of cyclists*, the only way the group could safely pull through a set of traffic lights was just to through as a single large group. For anyone to try & stop for the lights would have required a lot of coordination in a decidedly disorganised group of riders with 2 large, thoroughly mixed & fragmented groups of riders as a single bunch.

Sorry GB but that's just a really crap excuse, if they're riding on the road then they're aware of the possibilites of traffic lights, road furniture and other road users including slower cyclists. If they make a mistake that's fair enough, if they prioritise their chaingang/speed over the legitimate interests of others, and the law of the land, then they are cocks.


West London
in car on sunday there was a group of cyclists on a busy dual carriagway obviously racing each other [ THEY WERE MOSTLY 3 ABREAST OF EACH OTHER!!} a car went to overtake them then a cyclist pulled out didnt check behind [ NO LIFESAVER!!!} the car narrowly missed him by inches!! boy was he lucky, the car had pulled in the next layby and was obviously going to confront them.

While this may be a troll and is clearly off topic, I'll reply just the once!
The car should have left plenty of room (5 feet) and also anticipated the potential hazard.
If you think about it, there's no reason why his overtake has priority over that of the cyclist who you say pulled out!


Über Member
RCT, South Wales
Sorry GB but that's just a really crap excuse, if they're riding on the road then they're aware of the possibilites of traffic lights, road furniture and other road users including slower cyclists. If they make a mistake that's fair enough, if they prioritise their chaingang/speed over the legitimate interests of others, and the law of the land, then they are cocks.
+1 if you can't follow the rules of the road, then you shouldn't be on the road no matter what mode of transport you use.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
The two guys should have got a bit fitter then...shouldn't have been hanging off the back of a bunch. I assume the bunch had cleared the lights well before.

Night Train

Maker of Things
These are the sort of cyclist I find really annoying.

Just because a group of people are out with their club on a run doesn't mean that the laws and rules of the road don't count. They are no more 'one vehicle then, say, a funeral convoy or a group of mates out in their cars would be.

Shouting out 'stopping' is a bit daft too as each person should be prepared to stop and leave a sufficient gap to stop safely. Bike generally don't have brake lights and indicators but the riders do have arm signals they can use.

Last year I was driving along a narrow single carriageway with only a single lane each way. The road was national speed limit. Coming towards me were a group of cyclists in a pack riding fast and three abreast. I slowed from 60 to 50mph and moved over a little to reduce wind draft.
As we got closer it suddently became four abreast and then just before we passed it became 5 abreast with the fifth one frantically trying to pass the others and on the wrong side coming at me causing me to have to brake hard and swerve off the edge of the tarmac to avoid him.

Nothing against them going for a fun ride or a 'race' but attemting suicide with my car is another matter.:angry:


A Velocipedian
Sorry GB but that's just a really crap excuse, if they're riding on the road then they're aware of the possibilites of traffic lights, road furniture and other road users including slower cyclists. If they make a mistake that's fair enough, if they prioritise their chaingang/speed over the legitimate interests of others, and the law of the land, then they are cocks.


Well-Known Member
+1 once got caught up in an absolute mellay of cyclists*, the only way the group could safely pull through a set of traffic lights was just to through as a single large group. For anyone to try & stop for the lights would have required a lot of coordination in a decidedly disorganised group of riders with 2 large, thoroughly mixed & fragmented groups of riders as a single bunch.

If I go out with the CTC group it's common for half the group to make it through the lights and the over half not. So we pull over a little way along the road at a safe stopping point and regroup.

It basically amounts to 'I want to go as fast possible so I will ignore the rules of the road' to jump red lights with this excuse.
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