About 13 nanoWales.
Oh, sorry.
Oh, nano-Wales, that's a fantastic form of measurement as I have always had a problem of holding in my head how big Wales was.

About 13 nanoWales.
Oh, sorry.
I went to the pub for my tea in Ledbury yesterday too.
Why not just do the obvious - search online for (store name) (store location) + opening hours?
Which pub? We were in the Prince of Wales
Literally no idea what that looks like.
I'm guessing it's somewhere between 'my local corner shop' and 'the massive out of town furniture warehouse' which is frankly a level of precision I'm perfectly happy with.
The same. As soon as I read your post I knew it would be that pub judging by the bikes I saw locked up as I wandered up there.
Most Tesco Express/Sainsbury Local and similar will be within the 280 Sq M, but I'm not sure all are.
It is rather difficult to visualise - a tennis court is about 260 SqM, so it is a bit bigger than that.
But my local Tesco Express in Cowbridge feels bigger than that, but is open 7am-11pm on normal Sundays, so must be within the limit.
That owls dont go in story books... cycling back at night I hear one owl go twit and another go whooo from separate places and when i told my birding pal this he said thats because one is male and the other female ..they have separate calls according to their sex !!
ha ha! The only pub I've cycled to in Ledbury was the Prince of Wales. What a brilliant place! Stopped late on a Saturday audax, which is always iffy time as to the "reception" you'll get in lycra; but the clientele were really friendly, an eclectic bunch, and great value food+beer!
(In fact, on previous rides thru Ledbury I've struggled to find somewhere nice, so I'm glad I nosed down that back-lane!)
...that Tesco & Sainsburys don't open on Easter Sunday.
The Tesco Express do. It’s to do with the UK law, and size of shop.
Are you sure about the UK bit as I seem to think it is different in Scotland?
Scotland is still in UK last time I looked. Thus Scottish store opening laws come under UK law, just don’t apply to every country in the kingdom. Yes more liberal with store opening for the most part in Scotland.