A pavement parking odyssey

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captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
That grille looks like a step ladder to me. Up and over the bonnet and roof I would go.

I did read once about a bloke....I think in Germany...who did actually walk over car roofs when faced with them blocking pavements.

Juan Kog

permanently grumpy

One from today’s walk . It’s a busy 40 mph road and a bus route. I’m still slim enough to go between the van and the wall . No @Drago I didn’t have my keys in my hand when I squeezed along side the van .:laugh:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I've just parked on the double yellow lines (I have a blue badge, so I can park there for three hours) outside my flat, due to the disabled bay being too far away to walk from with dodgy ice underfoot! I'm going to move my car soon and park it on the grassed area under my kitchen window as it's the only safe option available as its all double yellows around here and or frozen roads. Walking on grass, even when it's almost frozen is much safer than walking on ice covered tarmac! My gripe is that one of those who go the yoga place across the road from me has parked on the double yellows right across from where I've parked. I've had a look and there isn't a blue badge in her car, so not only is she illegally parked, she's also narrowed the road down to half it's width by parking directly parallel to my car!! :cursing:
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West Yorks
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One from today’s walk . It’s a busy 40 mph road and a bus route. I’m still slim enough to go between the van and the wall . No @Drago I didn’t have my keys in my hand when I squeezed along side the van .:laugh:
Just take delight that the wet belt in the engine is probably disintegrating and the particles will be blocking the oil intake, meaning that van will need a new engine fitting


Then on the other hand we have motorists who panic on hearing emergency services sirens and flashing lights and pull over erratically almost emergency stop like. I remember one such type in my road cycling days dropping from what must've been 30 mph to 0 mph in a few seconds after overtaking me, steering right into the cycle lane I was in, with me almost colliding with this vehicle. When the ambulance as it turned out to be passed by I remonstrated with him before he drove off telling him he nearly caused me to crash into the back of his car. He said I should've stopped like him to let the ambulance get through. Why, when I, unlike him wasn't blocking its path I put to him. Yes, some might say I should've read the situation and expected a vehicle to suddenly pull to the left which I did, but this idiot just had to overtake me before suddenly pulling in, as if to show his anti cyclist mindset!:angry:
The ones that terrify me are those who choose to swerve onto the pavement. I've had and seen a few near misses that way.


I made the mistake of taking a mother to task for driving onto the pavement outside a school next to me while I was walking the dog. My exasperated comment of "the pavement is for pedestrians not cars" was met with "shut up and don't make me get out and put you on your a**e" from her passenger. She went on to direct a four letter tirade at me mainly asking why I hadn't spoken to any of the other pavement parkers (the fact they hadn't almost run me over was insufficient in her opinion), and accusing me of upsetting the children and ruining their morning.


Über Member
I made the mistake of taking a mother to task for driving onto the pavement outside a school next to me while I was walking the dog. My exasperated comment of "the pavement is for pedestrians not cars" was met with "shut up and don't make me get out and put you on your a**e" from her passenger. She went on to direct a four letter tirade at me mainly asking why I hadn't spoken to any of the other pavement parkers (the fact they hadn't almost run me over was insufficient in her opinion), and accusing me of upsetting the children and ruining their morning.

I wouldn't tolerate that! I'd give them a large slice of Chin pie, someone has to start 'educating& these people.
I will not yield my right to walk the public footpath unhindered, ......several times ,if I see my way is impeded by illegal footway use ,I'll just stop, they either avoid me, or hit me ,then suffer the consequences, 'Passive Aggressiveness ' ,if you like , but then I am a bit of a man mountain, which helps.
I appreciate that 'normal' sized people won't take this option, but I do not condone the art of 'Ecky thoomp' but if they provoke me.....
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