A pavement parking odyssey

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Legendary Member
What is the best method for reporting a vehicle left on zig-zags ?


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...


Legendary Member
What is the best method for reporting a vehicle left on zig-zags ?

If they're yellow markings, don't bother. Without a local TRO of some kind they're typically unenforceable so are usually treated as advisory only, or more likely ignore completely.

If they're white you can also phone it in on 101. If you have a picture they will advise you on how to send it in.


Über Member
I had to laugh this morning as I drove back through Evenwood Gate, (a place blighted by pavement parkers, despite being on a main A road), as a chap dodged out of the way to avoid being tw#tted on the *rse by a passing cars door mirror ~ as he was trying to get into his car, which was parked fully blocking the entire pavement at the narrow part right opposite a traffic island 🤡.


Über Member
Pavement parking in Evenwood Gate is obviously very risky (as my previous post), this morning as I drove past the two cars that are always parked on the pavement right at the north end of the terrace (opposite the Evenwood road junction) were looking decidedly worse for wear, both had their offsides completely stoved in! Either something has tried to squeeze past another vehicle waiting to turn right or some loon has come tearing out of the Evenwood road junction and crashed into them. These two are always the worst obstructers as the pavement is so narrow at that point that even completely blocking it they still end up partly on the road too. What's that K word rhyming with Parma again?

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Unbelievable!! This @!#!!! actually parked over someone's drive near to a school, refusing to move even when asked to do so by the police. He eventually moved his vehicle, obviously with much attitude so the plod must've thought "Let's check this 2 hat's insurance etc details", only for them to find Mr 2 hat wasn't insured!!:angry: Why's the idiot not been named in the article and why have they blanked his registration number out??!!:angry:




Legendary Member
Karma sucks!


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Unbelievable!! This @!#!!! actually parked over someone's drive near to a school, refusing to move even when asked to do so by the police. He eventually moved his vehicle, obviously with much attitude so the plod must've thought "Let's check this 2 hat's insurance etc details", only for them to find Mr 2 hat wasn't insured!!:angry: Why's the idiot not been named in the article and why have they blanked his registration number out??!!:angry:

I sat at a red traffic light at a junction earlier today, and watched pedestrians strolling across it, completely ignoring the blues & twos of a police car trying to get through.
A bunch of selfish idiots, right there.
Wondered what @Drago thinks of these people, and what their punishment should be. Target practice for taser training, I reckon.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Unbelievable!! This @!#!!! actually parked over someone's drive near to a school, refusing to move even when asked to do so by the police. He eventually moved his vehicle, obviously with much attitude so the plod must've thought "Let's check this 2 hat's insurance etc details", only for them to find Mr 2 hat wasn't insured!!:angry: Why's the idiot not been named in the article and why have they blanked his registration number out??!!:angry:

View attachment 753138

I and others will be annoyed about this because we now cannot in future check his MOT status, 'road tax' and insurance details to see if he's legal or not! Never mind about 'privacy infringement rights' and all that crap, he's obviously a menace on the road and needs to be kept under scrutiny!

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I sat at a red traffic light at a junction earlier today, and watched pedestrians strolling across it, completely ignoring the blues & twos of a police car trying to get through.
A bunch of selfish idiots, right there.
Wondered what @Drago thinks of these people, and what their punishment should be. Target practice for taser training, I reckon.

Then on the other hand we have motorists who panic on hearing emergency services sirens and flashing lights and pull over erratically almost emergency stop like. I remember one such type in my road cycling days dropping from what must've been 30 mph to 0 mph in a few seconds after overtaking me, steering right into the cycle lane I was in, with me almost colliding with this vehicle. When the ambulance as it turned out to be passed by I remonstrated with him before he drove off telling him he nearly caused me to crash into the back of his car. He said I should've stopped like him to let the ambulance get through. Why, when I, unlike him wasn't blocking its path I put to him. Yes, some might say I should've read the situation and expected a vehicle to suddenly pull to the left which I did, but this idiot just had to overtake me before suddenly pulling in, as if to show his anti cyclist mindset!:angry:


South Wales
I and others will be annoyed about this because we now cannot in future check his MOT status, 'road tax' and insurance details to see if he's legal or not! Never mind about 'privacy infringement rights' and all that crap, he's obviously a menace on the road and needs to be kept under scrutiny!

It is precisely because of people like you that they blank it out. We as individuals are not supposed to be checking other people's tax & MOT status. That is why the government site that allows you to query the data aks if you are the owner of the vehicle.


Charming but somewhat feckless
It is precisely because of people like you that they blank it out. We as individuals are not supposed to be checking other people's tax & MOT status. That is why the government site that allows you to query the data aks if you are the owner of the vehicle.

Hmm, only the insurance database does that. The government one doesn’t and can be used by anyone.
Indeed, on the results page, there are links to ‘report an untaxed vehicle’ and ‘report a vehicle with no MOT’.
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