On the one hand I think, well, clearly cyclists can get into trouble scooting up alongside large vehicles. It's hard to fault you if you may be saving their life. On the other hand, if you were blocking me I'd just go around you if I could. I'd try not to do it in an impolitely barge-y kind of way though!
Leaflets are OK. I might even take one from you, to scribble my own suggestions about what to look out for:
Are there railings or other impediments to pedestrianising myself if it becomes necessary? How close to the kerb is the vehicle? Can it turn left? Can it turn at all? What is the situation at the front? At what stage is the traffic light? When it turns green can they move, and if so, how fast are they likely to? Are there other cyclists about and what are they up to? Can I safely get past this guy trying to block me or will he knock me over with his concerned glare? Etc. All done with a Terminator-type information overlay complete with GPS, vectors, probabilities and windspeed, of course.
If you have a hard and fast rule to NEVER NEVER NEVER (as the CC guide to commuting puts it) go up the near side of large vehicles, I certainly respect that, but for my own part, constantly figuring all this stuff out is part of what makes city cycling (much as I hate to use this word given the sad context) fun.