205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
[QUOTE 3882745, member: 9609"]speak of the devil - Miles has just put up 71 miles for 1st sept after his 4 day rest - I no longer think he is a contender.

Kurt's once 4000+ mile lead over Godwin has now slipped to only 226 mile, and considering Godwins pace during sept and october, Kurt is almost certain to fall behind - it will be interesting to see how he reacts, hopefully he will get his act back together. I am really not getting this about Alicias teeth - is there not a dentist in Wisconsin?[/QUOTE]

Kurt seems to be going though a bit of a rough patch at the moment. His girlfriend Alicia too. (She's had teeth problems). Hoping he starts ramping it up again. So GO KURT... BUT GO STEVE JUST THAT LITTLE BIT MORE. It does just go to show the enormity of the challenge. Just a few missed miles on any given day means a lot of effort to make up.

Miles I never thought was a serious contender in the first place. It just seemed to be that his preparation and application was just a little too half hearted. He also suffered a serious illness that put him back.


One of the 64K
[QUOTE 3882745, member: 9609"]I am really not getting this about Alicias teeth - is there not a dentist in Wisconsin?[/QUOTE]
I'd assume it's some weird quirk of American healthcare, although they were never that far from Madison and I'd happily go to UW for anything health related if the need was there.
I'd assume it's some weird quirk of American healthcare, although they were never that far from Madison and I'd happily go to UW for anything health related if the need was there.
If she's on state benefit even just for health care (which I'm assuming to the case if she has no income), then she needs to go back to Arkansas for any treatment... until they establish residency in Wisconsin and do all the paperwork which I doubt they have any time for right now.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place.

Day 244 / 25: Kurt is back at Little Rock, although currently with no ride posted on Strava. Steve does another fenland loop of 203 miles, reporting that he has still not fully recovered from his post-PBP illness. Despite this, his recent consistency sees him increasing his gap over January Steve. After a four day gap Miles is back on the road with 101 miles of bay riding.



One of the 64K
[QUOTE 3884548, member: 9609"]I think this may be the third time he has destroyed bikes by them not being attached correctly to the carrier - once is a mistake, twice is bad luck, thrice .....[/QUOTE]
Is probably a suggestion that he's too tired on some days to be trusted to attach bikes to a rack and should maybe store them inside the RV if he is constantly taking them on and off the rack.

I guess needing a lot of bikes is the flipside of riding weeks away from home. I know all of these are being done on a budget, I'm kind of surprised nobody (Giant? Trek?) sponsored him a couple of identical bikes for the challenge. Would have made maintenance etc. easier and would be a fairly cheap feather in the cap at the end of it all.


Cracking a solo.
It's that girl again, i think I kinda like her :wub:

Tarzan Rides the HAM'R Kurt Searvogel
32 mins ·

The summit is within view, but still a long ways away. This is our Everest. It seems we are on this razor thin ridge trying to just get across without falling off into oblivion. Gotta stay focused and let everything else go. We are here to bag this monumental mountain, dammit! We have sacrificed nearly everything in our lives to be here. It's taking its toll. The wear and tear on us and equipment has reached ridiculous. If I go down, Kurt goes down - not an option. We've come too far. Four months to go and it's my job to get him there even if it ... HE WILL SET A NEW WORLD RECORD. ~ Alicia


Cracking a solo.
Not sure if Kurt is still struggling but he's posted 108 miles for yesterday, that actually puts him behind now according to the HAMR spreadsheet by 53 miles at the start of September, at the start of June he was over 4000 miles up. He needs 202 miles a day now until the end of his challenge to tie.
For all you stat fans HERE's the latest HAMR spreadsheet, frustratingly it's not showing Steve's restarted data (is that around anywhere?) By the looks of it Miles (and of course Ox) appear to be so far behind that their challenges are effectively over already, well certainly the Ox as he needs over 590 miles a day to tie.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place

Day 245 / 26: Kurt, now back at home in Little Rock Arkansas, has to spend half the day assembling a fourth emergency bike while sourcing parts for his three broken bikes. He spends the other half riding local roads for 108 miles. Steve does a 220 mile Cambridgeshire and Essex loop in better weather than previous days reporting he is now recovering well from illness. Miles does 132 miles of bay riding.



Cracking a solo.
Tarzan Rides the HAM'R Kurt Searvogel added 2 new photos.
10 hrs ·

Kurt is having some issues. I took him in to Urgent Care to see why he is having so much pain in his foot near the little toe. Nothing showed up there although the problem still exists. The wheezing in his lungs though was a concern so they gave him a breathing treatment. He's back out there in 100 degree heat. Looks like he'll be doing some night riding and I'll be out there too if anyone wants to join us back in the "hamster wheel"... Arkansas.



Cracking a solo.
Tarzan Rides the HAM'R Kurt Searvogel
3 hrs ·

We would like to thank all those who have helped us in more ways than one. This competition is getting tough, but the support of the cycle community here in Arkansas has been amazing! A special thanks to Brent Findley for his after hours bike mechanic skills; to the guys at ACF; to the Carve 5 Hr Century Group; to Jack Tiemeyer for loaning us his bomb proof rack; to Michele Eakin Smith for arranging a massage; to Joe Jacobs for referring a dentist who was not on vacation and to everyone who has offered to help in some way. This does wonders for our spirits and all the personal encouragement really motivated Kurt to finish his mileage goal for the day.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place

Day 246 / 27: Arkansas cyclists rally round to help Kurt with his recent mechanical and health problems providing replacement components and some on-the-road company. Facing high daytime temperatures, he completes an impressive 221 miles keeping him marginally above Tommy's accumulated distance. Steve is also back on form completing a fenland figure of eight via Spalding for 215 miles. Nothing posted from Miles, which leaves him further behind the pace than Steve was at the end of his post-crash hospital recuperation.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place.

Day 247 / 28: Kurt is back in the heat of Little Rock Arkansas doing repeats on local roads for a day's total of 216 miles. His bike problems seem to be sorted and breathing issues tolerable as he mixes upright with recumbent riding. Steve puts in a long day and late finish as he does a 220 mile loop of Cambridgeshire and Essex, continuing to pull away from January Steve. Miles does a couple of short Melbourne trips, only logging 9 miles of riding.

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