205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Ah, this is where the graphic is misleading. The green line shows Miles' progress, but not all of it - only the first 20 days. Jo's only drawn the horizontal axis out as far as Steve Abraham's progressed (you will also note that Kurt's line is/was below the Average Godwin Line, whereas his current position is above) There is a whole lot more line than that, which is just not shown on the graph. If you go to http://gicentre.org/oytt/ you can see that since his restart on 18 June, Miles has slipped about 900 miles behind Tommy Godwin's actual progress (4100 miles behind Average Godwin, whereas March 1939 Tommy was 3200 miles behind Average Godwin.)

Or put another way, he's Miles behind.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo over at the other place

Day 239 / 20: Kurt, feeling the OYTT blues, sticks to the Fort Atkinson region and so far has only posted a ride of 74 miles. Steve continues with his recovery from his post-PBP cold and does another Cambridgeshire loop via Peterborough for 193 miles, creeping ahead of January Steve. Miles does a there-and-back-again trip along the bay for 107 miles.



Legendary Member
The graphs show that's it's very easy to slip behind pace, with something as minor as a cold etc, but very hard to catch up a couple of lost or low mileage days. Given how long it's takes to do 200+ miles eat and sleep enough, there isn't much too play catch up. Even doing an Epic like PBP Steve had to ride to and from to avoid slipping behind target. This is the enormity of the challenge.


Cracking a solo.
[QUOTE 3876835, member: 9609"]Although it now seems to have been deleted, there was a very down in the dumps message from Kurt last night saying he was sick of the whole thing, he may or may not continue tomorrow! Although looking at the weather for Wisconsin yesterday it was a bit cloudy and sub 70°F, and Kurt seems to struggle with any sort of winter conditios - looks like it will be back up into the 80s tomorrow so hopefully he will be back on form...[/QUOTE]
That would explain the short day. He does seem prone to a touch of the blues and seems to have wobbled a couple of times. He posted a video a week or so ago saying how much he was enjoying it. Lets hope he manages to keep going.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I think he's the best bet to take it, but the mental toll must be huge. I guess he could cheer himself up with the fact he's only doing it for 12 months, not 18.

I'm not convinced by Steve's second attempt.

He made a bright start to it, but is now building up a mileage deficit against the average required at a time of year when he ought to be banking miles.

His moving average speed has also dropped back to his usual 14.5mph.

That is unlikely to be fast enough to get the job done.

It requires an average moving time of more than 14 hours a day.

Adding breaks means there is not enough time for rest, sleep and preparation for the next day.

Particularly so as I gather he is now unsupported for much of the time.

Less and less daylight in the coming weeks and months will add to his difficulties.


Cracking a solo.
Kurt is back on the road again and has done 3.5 miles, Steve is on 44.5 miles so I'm guessing it was a late start.


One of the 64K
I'm not convinced by Steve's second attempt.
He made a bright start to it, but is now building up a mileage deficit against the average required at a time of year when he ought to be banking miles.

I really think Kurt is the only one likely to break it (I know this is unpopular but I think @Pale Rider is right, Steve just isn't hitting the miles when he needs to be. The luck might just not be with him for this.) I'd love to be proved wrong.

The more I watch this the more I can't help wondering how vigilant Tommy's time/mileage keepers were. Considering different equipment, worse backup regimes, worse roads all round his achievement just looks more and more incredible (TM every cycling pundit out there). I know he basically broke himself doing the ride and didn't he shatter the previous record when he did it but it does start to look too amazing when you see the struggle it takes to match it with all the modern benefits. Equally all you can do this far removed is presume it was all square but it'd take a particular type of person to fall short and not wonder.

I think if Kurt manages it, and it's still quite a big *if* then it might gee other attempts but it might equally just sit there. I guess Steve and Kurt are going to set something because beating Tommy and being the current holder of the thing a lot like what Tommy did are different things aren't they?


One of the 64K
As much as anything I was wondering how careful they were about recording the mileages. We know how stringent they are being now. I know there is a book about him, don't know how much it goes in to the minutiae though. I could imagine he just noted it in to a book at the end of each day, or took map mileage, either could comfortably add a few miles here and a few miles there without any intention of cheating just the same as you see how riding under 205 soon mounts up, an extra couple of miles here and there would work the same way.

jo from the other place

Well-Known Member
Hackney, London
Tommy used a sealed, tamper-proof odometer in addition to having a witnessed diary of places visited. So causal cheating would have been difficult I think.

There will be a new book on the historical attempts at the OYTT coming out in a month or so from Dave Barter which should give some more detail on what the early 20th century riders faced.


(I have produced one of the OYTT graphics for the book, in a style familiar to anyone on this thread).


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place

Day 240 / 21: Kurt heads west following the Wisconsin River but runs out of ridable roads and weather so quits the day with 149 miles of riding. Steve heads NE with the blustery wind for 202 miles and ends up at a Norwich Travelodge rather than face a long journey back into the wind. His summer pace keeps him comfortably ahead of January Steve. Nothing posted from Miles today.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place.

Day 241 / 22: Kurt begins the long migration south from Wisconsin towards home at Little Rock Arkansas with 210 miles for the day. In his slightly less glamorous homeward road trip Steve heads back from a Norwich Travelodge to Milton Keynes with a couple of extra loops thrown in via Northampton and Buckingham giving him 201 miles. A second day from Miles with no riding posted. On this day in 1939, Tommy passed 50,000 miles.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place.

Day 242 / 23: Kurt continues his migration back towards Little Rock, but because of dental problems for Alicia, takes a circuitous 195 mile route via Decatur and Bloomington, Illinois. Steve passes the 40,000 milestone on another 204 mile fenland loop via Ely. Still nothing from Miles.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place

Day 243 / 24: Two rides from Kurt in Illinois and Missouri leave him south of St Louis with a 155 mile total by the end of the day. Steve, on a wet, wet, wet day, rides an enlarged loop around Cambridge for 201 miles. No ride from Miles for the fourth consecutive day.

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