205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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jo from the other place

Well-Known Member
Hackney, London
Day 255 / 36: Kurt leaves some of his hamster wheel repeats to ride an extended loop down to Pine Bluff for a day's total of 221 miles. Steve heads northeast, and them some more east until there's no more (dry) east to ride, ending his 211 mile day just north of Lowestoft. Miles does several bay road trips for a total of 202 miles.



Cracking a solo.
It appears things may not be going too well off the bike as well - judging from some posts in the other place.

Roger the Moneyman has quit, as has another member of the team.

Neither has posted much about that, presumably out of loyalty to Steve, but what they have posted indicates to me an organisation which is disorganised, and possibly suffering from personal tensions.

The good news is Roger says Steve should have enough money to complete the second attempt.

But he appears to be rather on his own, no word from the crew chief or the guy who was supposed to be doing publicity, and the overnight hosting system appears to have come to a stop.

Donors are starting to complain about the apparent news blackout.

That may not matter directly, but it does add to the general aura of discontent.
That sounds a little concerning, perhaps @Ian H could shed more light on it?

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Mike got a job abroad, and we wish him well. Otherwise, the money is fine and whatever personal tensions there might have been have suddenly disappeared. The team, apart from all being tired after PBP and trying to catch up with their own lives, are functioning better than ever.


Cracking a solo.
Mike got a job abroad, and we wish him well. Otherwise, the money is fine and whatever personal tensions there might have been have suddenly disappeared. The team, apart from all being tired after PBP and trying to catch up with their own lives, are functioning better than ever.
Thank you Ian :okay:

jo from the other place

Well-Known Member
Hackney, London
Day 256 / 37: Steve takes a 220 mile meandering journey back from the Norfolk coast to MK. He's now less than 300 miles behind Tommy's WR pace. Kurt says he's back on the "hamster wheel", but nothing posted on Strava as yet. Miles focuses on doing regular trips up and down the first 30 mile stretch of the bay road giving him a 171 mile total for the day.


jo from the other place

Well-Known Member
Hackney, London
Day 257 / 38: Kurt "Mr Consistent" Searvogel rides Little Rock roads for another 221 miles, keeping him 66 miles ahead of Tommy's total for the same period. Kurt's WR target is now back under 200 miles per day for the remains of the year. Steve has a day of battling fenland winds and finishes at 1:30am with 209 miles for the day. Miles continues to ride up and down the bay for a total of 139 miles, give or take a couple of dodgy GPS uploads to Strava.


jo from the other place

Well-Known Member
Hackney, London
Day 258 / 39: A long day for Kurt with 233 miles of riding from Little Rock, edging further ahead of Tommy's total for the same period. Steve heads to the Norfolk coast in changeable autumnal weather, ending at the Acle Travelodge with a 199 mile total. Miles logs only 43 miles riding bay roads, bringing him close to 12,000 miles since his restart.

I was wondering how much mind games were involved between the two main contenders. Not that I could match them for even one day, it would play on my mind to think I could be putting in all that effort, to see someone else take it at the post so to speak, but Steve just comes over as having an enviable come day, go day approach to the whole thing and life in general. He seems to waste no energy on stress. It puts the pressure onto Kurt.

Such a refreshing change to some of the egos in some others to see such a humble, pragmatic, almost phlegmatic approach.


Kilometre nibbler
I could be totally wrong but from Steve's interviews I get the impression that he wants to set his own record. If that beats Tommy, good. If that beats Kurt, good. But if it doesn't, and he's done his attempt I don't think he would (nor should he) consider it in any way a "failure". Maybe I'm extrapolating a bit too far in reading his mind from a few interviews.

If he completes his restart attempt I don't foresee anyone ever taking on his 18-month (ish) record!

jo from the other place

Well-Known Member
Hackney, London
Day 259 / 40: Kurt stated that after his long day yesterday, today would be a recovery day of 'only' 205 miles. In the event, he posts 139 miles of riding on his regular local roads. This still keeps him with a target of less than 200 miles per day for the remains of the year, but he dips below Tommy's riding for the first time. Steve's shrewd anticipation of the changeable weather gives him a wind advantage but very wet day from north Norfolk back to MK for a total of 213 miles. Miles posts another short day 44 miles.



Cracking a solo.

Tarzan Rides the HAM'R Kurt Searvogel
1 hr ·
If I go down, he goes down. Bummed, I've been sick for a few days now. Kurt's moral, attitude, energy and endurance is directly affected. He may be getting sick too because he's so tired already and it's early. All we can do is try to take care of ourselves and push through it. Hopefully we will get a break and feel better soon. I'm getting a lot more rest, but he needs more right now also. There's too much at stake... we're down climbing from the summit, the most dangerous section of all. ~ Alicia

jo from the other place

Well-Known Member
Hackney, London
Day 260 / 41: Alicia reports that she and Kurt have come down with illness again, but despite this Kurt rides a fast 217 miles south of Little Rock to bring him back within 20 miles of Tommy's like-for-like total. Steve puts in 220 miles on a Cambridgeshire-Essex loop. He is now less than a day away from Ossie Nicholson's 1933 record. No ride posted from Miles.


jo from the other place

Well-Known Member
Hackney, London
Day 261 / 42: Another long day of Little Rock roads for Kurt – 226 miles – puts him just 16 miles behind Tommy's distance over the same period. Steve heads to the Wash and back for 220 miles, passing Ossie Nicholson's 1933 record of 43,966 miles. No ride posted from Miles for the second day running.

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