205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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It's pointless going for a time if you're tired for the next day (or even for the ride home in the afternoon).
Sounds to me like Steve hit his average spot on and hopefully he had some decent rest during the nights.


World class procrastinator
So he's outside the time limit, has barely achieved a 'Godwin' and is no where near a 'Kurt'... and its summer....

... I have my doubts...

Off you go then @User3094. Show us how it's done.

..remembering that this was Paris Brest Paris.... Godwin's were achieved, and it's very early days in the (restarted) challenge.

Not to mention that bones take longer than a regulation 6 weeks to heal properly, however fit you are. I am sure that Steve is riding with that in mind. No point giving himself ankle problems on a newly fixed bone so early in the challenge.


World class procrastinator
Dont be silly.

Was just half expecting him to be putting in the mega days by now, what with winter coming and all that.
I am pretty sure that Steve knows what he's doing. I was expecting more mileage from him too but, having smashed an ankle in the past, I know how long these things take to get back to full strength. I was competing in triathlons when I did mine and it was a good 6 months of hard work to get it properly on track. Cycling might have less impact than the running but even so.
I did not get that impression from his last interview (longer version in latest issue of Arrivee): http://www.bikingtimes.com/steve-abraham-announces-concurrent-one-year-time-trial-record-attempt/

Thing is, he has to balance two conflicting issues:
low heart rate so that he can recover well enough overnight, every night, to go do the same again versus needing to ride fast enough cover the miles in (hopefully) less time so that he has more time each night to recover / sleep.

That's a pretty tough balancing act with room for a lot of overlap/deficit resulting in not quite fast enough, not quite 'enough' miles, not quite recovered enough for each new day.

Steve knows his body. He knows he needs to keep his heart rate down if he's to recover sufficiently each night. That's the chief limiting factor on his speed and I think, if/when he's ever undecided how to play it each day, he may opt for fewer miles at a manageable heart rate than risk not being able to recover even if he's gone 'fast enough' to gain an 'extra' hour.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo over at the other place

Day 231 / 12: Kurt rides 221 miles north from central Wisconsin to the shoreline. Steve continues on the PBP riding 188 miles from west of Tinteniac towards Dreux, on schedule for a 90 hour finish. Miles rides along the bay with some extra diversions to give him a 221 mile total.


Day 232 / 13: Kurt rides with the wind for a fast 219 miles. Steve completes PBP in under 90 hours then immediately heads north to Dieppe to catch the ferry home but ends up a few miles south of the port. In total, a 186 mile day. No substantial ride from Miles today.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo over at the other place.

Day 233 / 14: Kurt sticks to the lakes of NE Wisconsin for 222 miles of riding. Steve does a couple of post-PBP loops from Dieppe giving him 159 miles for the day and taking his reboot pace back down to Godwin's average. Miles rides north of Melbourne for 145 miles, presumably with a fixed bottom bracket.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo over at the other place

Day 234 / 15: Kurt rides 218 miles north through central Wisconsin. Steve does 217 miles in a long day after disembarking the ferry at Newhaven, travelling back to Milton Keynes via Hungerford (Tutti Pole?). Miles heads back to riding the bay for 136 miles.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo over at the other place

Day 235 / 16: Kurt rides 213 miles east to Manitowoc. Steve rides slowly and only for 30 miles so takes the opportunity for a post-PBP recovery. This puts him 56 miles behind Kurt after the first 16 days. Miles puts in 188 miles along the bay.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo over at the other place.

Day 236 / 17: Kurt follows the wind from east to west for most of the day with a moving average approaching 20mph and a total of 218 miles. Steve, still suffering with a post-PBP cold keeps it shorter (by the standards of the OYTT) and slow for 130 miles. Miles sticks to the bay for 172 miles.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo over at the other place

Day 237 / 8: Kurt takes it comparatively easy in windy conditions with more stops and shorter day giving him a total of 142 miles. Steve, while still recovering from his cold, begins to increase his speed and distance with a 144 mile Cambridgeshire loop. This puts him just 20 miles ahead of 'January Steve' by day 18. Miles does a couple of bay rides for 129 miles. He is now 4,100 miles behind Tommy's WR pace.



It's a bit more complicated than that...
From Jo over at the other place

Day 237 / 8: Kurt takes it comparatively easy in windy conditions with more stops and shorter day giving him a total of 142 miles. Steve, while still recovering from his cold, begins to increase his speed and distance with a 144 mile Cambridgeshire loop. This puts him just 20 miles ahead of 'January Steve' by day 18. Miles does a couple of bay rides for 129 miles. He is now 4,100 miles behind Tommy's WR pace.
...but only about 20 miles behind "January 1939 Tommy".


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo over at the other place

Day 238 / 19: Kurt rides to Manitowoc for 210 miles. Steve continues to recover from illness with a 162 mile loop via Peterborough putting him marginally ahead of his January self but 267 miles behind Kurt's first 19 days. Miles does the bay with some diversions for 163 miles. As we edge towards the end of a northern hemisphere summer and Australian winter, we may be seeing the beginnings of a convergence in daily distances.



usually riding on Zwift...
...but only about 20 miles behind "January 1939 Tommy".
Ah, this is where the graphic is misleading. The green line shows Miles' progress, but not all of it - only the first 20 days. Jo's only drawn the horizontal axis out as far as Steve Abraham's progressed (you will also note that Kurt's line is/was below the Average Godwin Line, whereas his current position is above) There is a whole lot more line than that, which is just not shown on the graph. If you go to http://gicentre.org/oytt/ you can see that since his restart on 18 June, Miles has slipped about 900 miles behind Tommy Godwin's actual progress (4100 miles behind Average Godwin, whereas March 1939 Tommy was 3200 miles behind Average Godwin.)
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