20 MPH Limits - what's your thoughts ?

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Leg End Member
On the speed bump/cushion argument. They are one of the largest, and growing, home insurance claims for damage.

Micro earthquakes created by vehicles passing over them. Which is leading to speed tables being installed instead.
On the speed bump/cushion argument. They are one of the largest, and growing, home insurance claims for damage.

Micro earthquakes created by vehicles passing over them. Which is leading to speed tables being installed instead.
Interesting; where did you find out about that? (Genuinely curious)

I don't like speed cushions/bumps/humps - well, at least not whether they are installed every few hundred meters apart and less. Some of them, even when driven over slowly, can be incredibly uncomfortable. Cars passing over them make noise. Drivers accelerating away from them make extra noise. Excessive traffic noise has been shown to cause hardening of the arteries and other health problems. It would be nice to solve this problem with better enforcement around inappropriate speed and inconsiderate driving. That, and more people walking, cycling and using public transport.

On speed limits:

The National Speed Limit is a default speed limit in non-urban/residential areas. It does not necessarily mean that a road has been assessed and that the NSL has been deemed appropriate. The NSL is definitely not a target or a minimum speed. Many drivers also seem to be unaware that the NSL varies for different vehicle types. And I would quite happily advocate for reducing it on single carriageways for all vehicle types.

I think I could also be persuaded that 30, 40, 50 mph limits should also be abolished. Reduce the NSL, and in residential/urban areas make the default speed limit 20 mph. Our roads are so close to and over capacity in many areas, I really don't think it would make that much difference to mean journey times and, for journeys under 5 miles long, we've got to move away from the car being the default choice.

BTW I also drive (as little as possible). Apologies.


Heavy Metal Fan
I'm guessing that speed bumps are a lot cheaper than average speed cameras so that's why they are installed. They have those smart ones (filled with oobleck I think) that to me seem the most intelligent way of doing it i.e. if you go over them at lower speed then they flatten, but go too fast and they stay a rigid bump. But with all of these councils strapped for cash, I guess their hands are pretty tied

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
IMO, it shouldn't.

Those rural roads should have appropriate limits set.

IU think it is utterly bonkers when you are driving along a nice, open and wide A or B road which has a 50 limit for whatever reason, but turn off onto a tiny lane, the limit immediately becomes 60.

That is just laziness on the part of traffic planners and regulators.
I don't think it is laziness, more pragmatism. Imagine the cost of surveying every minor road to determine a speed limit and then producing millions of signs etc. The way it is at the moment, at the stroke of a pen (almost) the Govt could change the NSL, which then covers every road with an NSL sign. Any other way would be a huge expense to change the limit.


Legendary Member
None of the 20mph zones near me can be enforced due to the council going for the cheaper, undersized signs.

Many are only 2/3's of the legal minimum. 300mm, was 297mm(A4) when first introduced

A cash savings wheeze, no doubt.

When will the government, at all levels, learn that things simply cost what they cost? Doing things on the cheap is simply another an expensive means of not meeting the objective at all.

Everything from aircraft carriers, though smart motorways, and down to road signs - accept that is what it costs, or else don't bother.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Everything from aircraft carriers

This is what you get when you don’t spend the money. Only good for patrolling the local paddling pool.



Leg End Member
A cash savings wheeze, no doubt.

When will the government, at all levels, learn that things simply cost what they cost? Doing things on the cheap is simply another an expensive means of not meeting the objective at all.

Everything from aircraft carriers, though smart motorways, and down to road signs - accept that is what it costs, or else don't bother.
Except it cost them more.
And every sign they replace will end up costing more than had they done it right to begin with.


Leg End Member
Interesting; where did you find out about that? (Genuinely curious)

I don't like speed cushions/bumps/humps - well, at least not whether they are installed every few hundred meters apart and less. Some of them, even when driven over slowly, can be incredibly uncomfortable. Cars passing over them make noise. Drivers accelerating away from them make extra noise. Excessive traffic noise has been shown to cause hardening of the arteries and other health problems. It would be nice to solve this problem with better enforcement around inappropriate speed and inconsiderate driving. That, and more people walking, cycling and using public transport.

On speed limits:

The National Speed Limit is a default speed limit in non-urban/residential areas. It does not necessarily mean that a road has been assessed and that the NSL has been deemed appropriate. The NSL is definitely not a target or a minimum speed. Many drivers also seem to be unaware that the NSL varies for different vehicle types. And I would quite happily advocate for reducing it on single carriageways for all vehicle types.

I think I could also be persuaded that 30, 40, 50 mph limits should also be abolished. Reduce the NSL, and in residential/urban areas make the default speed limit 20 mph. Our roads are so close to and over capacity in many areas, I really don't think it would make that much difference to mean journey times and, for journeys under 5 miles long, we've got to move away from the car being the default choice.

BTW I also drive (as little as possible). Apologies.
Employee of a local large insurance company, who raised it at a council meeting.
Claims for such damage were increasing where speed bumps/cushions were installed.
This is what you get when you don’t spend the money. Only good for patrolling the local paddling pool.

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If they can shoot down the damn seagull that nicked my Pie on Llandudno beach then it has my vote

addendum - and an Ice Cream a few months later - and I lived there so I was used to them - sneaky bar stewards still managed to sneak round and swoop on me!!!


Leg End Member
And with driver mentality they’ll exploit that to the full. Reinforcing @Dogtrousers point that all the speed limits are necessary. We can’t trust drivers to do the right thing without a big stick (or speed hump).
Wonder how many drivers are actually aware of legal minimum size? I was told I was talking rubbish, until the police sergeant at the meeting checked(he didn't believe it either) and said it was correct. And that they'd be unable to enforce any limit which had smaller than the legal minimum signs.


Heavy Metal Fan
Why is it, that en masse, drivers can't drive within the spirit of the law let alone the letter of it?

Is it all the marketing hyperbole that's ruined people?

impatience mostly, and a bit of "I have a valid excuse to speed so I'm ok doing it". Also, no/little knowledge about cars and physics i.e. stopping distance, increased fuel consumption etc
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