I tend to use cruise control, so engage that immediately after pulling away, and then I can just forget the throttle unless there is other traffic going slower
Which happens every time there's an uphill.
I tend to use cruise control, so engage that immediately after pulling away, and then I can just forget the throttle unless there is other traffic going slower
Which happens every time there's an uphill.
I prefer to set the speed limiter rather than use cruise control. It has the advantage I can ease off on a climb and let the car regain momentum on the other side, instead of wasting fuel to get up the hill and again wasting the gravitational potential on the side.
The only downside to doing this, is that if the hill demands down shifting, if you are travelling at the speed limit and you need to down shift, you can't apply any throttle to rev match and save the clutch. I have to remember to either ease off a bit so I'm travelling at less than where the limiter is set, or temporarily knock the limiter off.
The speed limiter on my car is too easily overridden, to the point where you can do so accidentally.
I like what I have seen in French villages. If someone is travelling a bit fast then instead of a your speed sign flashing up, a traffic light ahead turns red. Travel within the speed limit and the traffic light stays green. Thus travelling t an inappropriate speed means it takes you longer.
Even better in my experience of French villages, they have speed bumps which mean business! Attempt more than 30kph (20mph approx) and your vehicle is wrecked! 😊 plus speed bumps are full width, no way to avoid them.
I have no problem with appropriate speed bumps.
But ones which are going to cause significant discomfort or even damage if you take them at the speed limit are just wrong, and are far too common IME.
If they want traffic travelling 10mph below the current limit, then they should first change the limit to that speed, then they can introduce speed bumps that can only be taken at that speed or lower.
Even better in my experience of French villages, they have speed bumps which mean business! Attempt more than 30kph (20mph approx) and your vehicle is wrecked! 😊 plus speed bumps are full width, no way to avoid them.
nes which are going to cause significant discomfort or even damage if you take them at the speed limit are just wrong, and are far too common IME.
After all, if so many of them hadn't torn the arse out of the 30 limit then there wouldn't be the imperative to turn the screw and drop it to 20 - they brought this upon themselves.