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Über Member
Never take any advice from me - you'll end up drunk...


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
I can go a week or two without a drink and will then have a beer, perhaps 2 or some wine, always with food though. I get a case of 12 bottles of wine every 2 months from the wine club and there are always 1 or 2 left over when the next arrives.
I suspect though if I didn’t do this turbo lark I might drink more.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
i have a tipple every so often at home - when ever its in the house to be honest - but missus only gets it in dribs and drabs so i cant go crazy
when i go out i mostly only have shandy as "bad berty " is a pig and don't know when to stop ! - nowadays guessing 4 pints !:blush:


TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
As I tend to end up as the DD, on nights out, so I almost never drink. There will be the half pint of shandy here or there (just living up to my southern roots :tongue:). But it's usually orange juice or a st clemens.

Even at home, where my 170 bottle wine rack is (currently almost empty, used to be full), I rarely drink now. In fact I just recently finished the last of the 16 cans of assorted beers I bought for Christmas last year. Just restocked with 8 cans that should be enough for the rest of the year (on call new years eve and day).

I do enjoy a drop, or 12, when in the mood (particularly Vodka, never leave a live vodka bottle:gun:). But I've never been someone to drink to excess regularly.


Good result, but what's with having aliens commentary :smile:
Oh must switch off radio lol.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
About 25% drop. Probably not a big surprise I guess given the analysis people have been doing. Interestingly though, bkool say their trainer comes ready calibrated. But then so does the Neo doesn't it? Reading some articles the other day it could also be that the Neo under records, so your true ftp might be somewhere in between.

Main thing now, as Bob says, is to measure yourself and improve against your new Neo ftp :okay:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Pretty much the same these days, hardly drink from one week to the next. I could happily stop, just wish I could do the same for sweetstuff:hungry:
I'm the same. As designated driver, and I drive to work each day, just don't get the chance to drink much these days. It's a far cry from my all day drinking when I worked in the city. The stories I could tell, if only I could remember what had actually happened :headshake:


Whorty, just seen your brother or doppleganger^_^

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