What a good looking bloke

What a good looking bloke
I did a Zwift race on the Bkool Pro last night. I think probably due to user error on my part, the trainer didn't pair completely correctly so only paired as a "power source" and not a "controllable trainer", so the resistance didn't change (just the speed and power figures depending on the slope). This was brutally hard work!
The power figures were quite a bit lower for this ride than when the trainer was fully paired as both power source and controllable trainer (and therefore did change resistance) on my Monday night ride, despite a similar level of effort. Can't directly compare rides as first one was the flat course and the second was hilly, but you'd assume that I was going slower on the second ride with much lower power figures, but looking closer, here's the Strava figures from a matching segment on both rides:
Segment: "Enough of that mumbo jumbo"
Distance: 0.4miles
Elevation: 13ft
Monday - fully paired with resistance changes:
Time: 59 seconds
Speed: 27.5mph ave / 32mph max
HR: 170bpm ave / 173bpm max
Power: 337W ave / 474W max
Tuesday - paired only as power source with no resistance changes
Time: 58 seconds
Speed: 27.9mph ave / 32.4mph max
HR: 169bpm ave / 170bpm max
Power: 296W ave / 326W max
So, speed/time/effort virtually identical - in fact marginally quicker on second ride - but power showing much higher on first.
Not sure that tells us anything we didn't know (i.e the Bkool Pro power figures are dodgy!) but thought I'd share the oddness of it! The overall Watts for the Tuesday "no resistance changes" ride were much lower overall too.
I agree the "dumb trainer" version looks like much more realistic watts. It surprises me that the higher power figures in the first ride don't = higher speed thoughThis is probably what Zwift has implemented, for dumb trainers, a profile curve. Looks more realistic Paul. Ultimate test add a PM to Pro unit and re test.
Ugh. Failed the ZA7 workout again last night. Like my first run at it, I started cramping in my calf just as the second ov/un set started. I was able to get through the first two intervals on the second set before I had to take the unit out of ERG and gently spin through the 3rd interval. I brought the power up again for the 4th interval, but only survived about halfway through it and came back out of ERG mode for the rest of the workout.
Given I've made two runs at ZA7, I'm going to consider it done as far as ZA is concerned. Just going to pick up one more group ride as a recovery ride and call ZA done.
I don't know if ZA has helped me or not. But the workouts have enough variation to keep my interest, so I'll probably tweak them a bit for future use (the warm downs are, umm, long, and disabling ERG when the power deltas are high). I can certainly see doing ZA7 semi-regularly until I can get through it without cramping. It's clearly stressing me in ways that I need.
The hell of it was I felt better after the first set last night than I did the previous attempt. I brought the power and cadence down for the 10min rest interval, near the end of the rest interval I brought the cadence back up and could feel the calf getting ready to knot up again. Tried to stretch it out on the bike with the remaining time in the rest interval, which may have helped get through the first two work intervals of the second set.Jeff I know how you feel. Trainer Road sometimes feel ever so hard to complete the workout. Always the last 20% is increasingly difficult and takes a fair amount a will power to push through and keep form. I have fallen on the last block a few times, so my FTP is pretty much spot on. No point it being easy to finish the workout. Stick with it go back a few stages and build it up again.
I'll probably try it without those early spin-ups and see how that affects the second ov/un set. I've had problems with cramps during/after spinning hard on the trainer before.I feel your pain Jeff. I have to do it again before the end of the week. The load on the legs for much of the workout is worse than going up Ventoux! If you do have another go perhaps leave erg off. Don’t worry about stars just finish it?
Your last race suggests ZA has done you good.
Ugh. Failed the ZA7 workout again last night. Like my first run at it, I started cramping in my calf just as the second ov/un set started. I was able to get through the first two intervals on the second set before I had to take the unit out of ERG and gently spin through the 3rd interval. I brought the power up again for the 4th interval, but only survived about halfway through it and came back out of ERG mode for the rest of the workout.
Given I've made two runs at ZA7, I'm going to consider it done as far as ZA is concerned. Just going to pick up one more group ride as a recovery ride and call ZA done.
I don't know if ZA has helped me or not. But the workouts have enough variation to keep my interest, so I'll probably tweak them a bit for future use (the warm downs are, umm, long, and disabling ERG when the power deltas are high). I can certainly see doing ZA7 semi-regularly until I can get through it without cramping. It's clearly stressing me in ways that I need.
Annoying thing is, the last few times the chain has dropped even when I wasn't actually changing gears! Both times I was in the big ring on the front and I think tonight 3rd largest ring at the back.Carl you need to check the rear derailleur is applying enough tension. Also when does the chain drop happen, front change or rear?
Indexing won't usually cause a chain drop just noisy running.
Check the chainring for a bent or misaligned tooth or have you changed the chain recently, it could be too long?Annoying thing is, the last few times the chain has dropped even when I wasn't actually changing gears! Both times I was in the big ring on the front and I think tonight 3rd largest ring at the back.
It does drop too sometimes when I go from large front to small front but that usually because at the time I'm on the large ring on the back already and so I think this is just my bad gear changing