Tommy, the link is a mobile app I use on iPhone and now iPad. It doesn’t show mini map. That is on top right of main screen. App shows and does number of things. Just logged in and I can see who I know who are Zwifting-berty and lars and can give them ride ins or send them messages. Shows upcoming events and I can choose to ride them and it will remind me when I next log on.
If I open it when I start a ride it will mirror some of I for such as power, hr and speed etc so useful when your nose is to the stem ! You can also use to send messages to individuals or the group/race you are riding in, take pictures etc
Actually read this;
What's new on Zwift 10/2
Jon Mayfield
Monday at 06:44
Hey Zwifters, just a quick update today. We've made a few changes to events features, a huge change to our companion app
Zwift Mobile Link, and we have changed our logo for a fresher look.
The biggest change is that Zwift now better integrates with
Zwift Mobile Link, and we'll be continuing down this route for the foreseeable future so be sure to download it and give it a try. Starting with Zwift Mobile Link 2.1 you'll have access to interactive maps, threaded chat views, and all the partner connections Zwift supports.
Another addition is that we've now added realtime placing to our races. This means you'll know roughly where you stand in the group during a ride. Soon after a race starts Zwift will display the name of the event, along with your current rank within the group at the top of the Riders Nearby panel on the right of your screen. We'll also be showing this during group workouts so you can see how you're doing against your peers.
Please note that this is a BETA feature, so let us know what you think in our
feedback forum.
Other notable changes include:
- Enhancements to support early-access of workouts in events. You may see a workout symbol on some events. Join one and let us know how it goes!
- Added "Volcano Climb" route to Watopia, which is similar to our large flat loop but it takes you up the Volcano Climb right before the sprint to the finish.
- DiamondBack mission added. Try out the amazing looking Andean TT bike this month to complete the mission.
- Garmin Jersey added for users who pair their Garmin Connect account
- Gradient display on minimap will now show a mini-preview of the terrain ahead
- Minimap camera setting is now saved between sessions
- Fixed issue with late-joining events that could cause people to be misrouted
We expect our next course expansion to be later this month, so hold tight and enjoy the new features in the meantime.
As usual we're all ears when it comes to suggestions or feedback about changes, and a good way to do that is via our
Zwift Support Community. If you think you'd be a good addition to the team at Zwift
check our job listings and join the pack!
Ride On.
The Team at Zwift
10/05/2017 NOTE: On 10/5 we put out a small update to fix an issue with text messages from one e