Cheers Bert
That is handy. Makes all the difference. Although if you want as realistic experience as possible I suppose you could say you should put realism at 100%. In my limited Zwift experience I found gear shifting at that level a bit excessive.
You’d have to assume tacx will bring out something similar to the climb. Though maybe wahoo have managed to steal a march and scooped up all the surrounding design principles under copyright. Or maybe tacx are holding back a little until the next round of ‘innovations’. Nothing companies like more than drip feeding technology to allow us to justify new purchases! You’d have to say with the design aesthetic of the tacx bike they’ve allowed themselves a decent amount of wiggle room I make the next incarnation more appealing on the eye.
I guess in my mind I’d probably go tacx bike > kickr with climb> tacx neo at this point. Just because the climb adds something over the neo. Although I think I heard somewhere the kickr is putting out less accurate power figures than the neo I’m not sure that means much in real terms. And let’s be honest, they all look like great bits of kit. The only reason the bike wins for me is because of its self standing nature.
I’ve been waiting on dcrainmaker’s affiliate to put up the neo bike for sale for over a week and I lost a bit of patience yesterday. So I tapped up someone I ride around the park with sometimes, called in a favour, and I’m hopeful I’ll have the bike ordered in the next couple of days (everything crossed at this point!). But it still means I’ll have to wait until mid December I think. So I see lots of cold rides and multiple layers of clothes in my immediate future...