Zwift Chat

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Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
As a TrainingPeaks Premium user (via my coach) I thought I'd try TrainingPeaks Virtual (aka IndieVelo).

The graphics are a bit basic whish isn't a major deal, but I do like the way all the display elements seem to be customisable. I also like seeing the draft bar. It seemed a bit quiet and unsure how many of the riders were bots.

I love the HUD, much better than Zwifts.
I've seen reports that 40,000 have signed up and there are 10,000 active riders, but like you when I've been on it seems to be mostly bots. It does mean there are always 'riders' about and maybe it doesn't really matter whether they are real or computer generated?
I was in a race the other day on there - 80 riders, probably 4 or 5 real the rest bots. What it did mean though was that I had company the whole race pushing me on, which is better than Zwift currently due to the new ranking system where I'm dropped in the first few minutes and ride solo - so that's a big tick for me :okay:
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It's surprising how low the power is to keep you on the upperZ1 into Z2

My Z1 power is around 170W and Z2 200W. Heart rate 125-140bpm

My Power Zones and HR Zones have never really lined up all that well, but I don't care. I don't need them to.

If I'm riding 'easy' outside or on Zwift I will tend towards high zone 1 naturally. What matters much more is whether or not it's enjoyable and encourages you to do it again. If it's no fun you won't come back tomorrow :laugh:

Agree with Steve, more than 1.5-2 hours indoor is too much. Not so much for me that anything hurts or it's more tiring. I just get bored. Outside you've got so much more going on. Racing is OK, but that's kind of anathema to Zone 2 building. Longer indoor sessions with music and/or a kindle book seem to be a way to get through it. But really I prefer outside for the Zone 2 work and indoor for racing.

I think @Whorty is definitely at the stage of needing volume rather than intensity, so if it feels too hard, dial it back and bollocks to the numbers.


Hi Carl. I looked at your ride. Though your average was 170W you had quite a few periods way above that level, raising your HR and introducing fatigue later in the session. I suggest picking a pacing bot ride to hold you back from trying bursts of power until your base fitness returns.

In comparison my 1hr effort today consisted of 50mins of fixed erg Z1/2 Watts. I was thoroughly warmed up for doing weights afterwards, not shattered even though I don't feel 100% presently


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Hi Carl. I looked at your ride. Though your average was 170W you had quite a few periods way above that level, raising your HR and introducing fatigue later in the session. I suggest picking a pacing bot ride to hold you back from trying bursts of power until your base fitness returns.

In comparison my 1hr effort today consisted of 50mins of fixed erg Z1/2 Watts. I was thoroughly warmed up for doing weights afterwards, not shattered even though I don't feel 100% presently

Yep, the hills I pushed a little harder but this used to be fine when fit. I wasn't aiming to stick to Z2 but was looking for an average of Z2, although my overall aim was simply to last 2 hours. I failed haha I've never been able to just stay at a constant power, too boring, so I do try to mix it up a bit even on longer rides.

I don't think my power went above C cat numbers though, always within 3.2 w/kg (I can't push any harder at the moment)


usually riding on Zwift...
I did The Grade for the first time yesterday, in a Zwift Hill Climb race. I pushed too hard at the start (even though there was no drafting, I wanted to break the psychological elastic), so it was by no means a smooth effort, but whereas The Grade estimated my FTP at 298W, used the same effort to estimate it at 308W. Quite some difference, eh?


I did The Grade for the first time yesterday, in a Zwift Hill Climb race. I pushed too hard at the start (even though there was no drafting, I wanted to break the psychological elastic), so it was by no means a smooth effort, but whereas The Grade estimated my FTP at 298W, used the same effort to estimate it at 308W. Quite some difference, eh?

I went for the hill climb over the zone 2 there. Hilly kom forward after less than a mile and no warm up. Definitely could throw up. Not a sensible colour graph



I did The Grade for the first time yesterday, in a Zwift Hill Climb race. I pushed too hard at the start (even though there was no drafting, I wanted to break the psychological elastic), so it was by no means a smooth effort, but whereas The Grade estimated my FTP at 298W, used the same effort to estimate it at 308W. Quite some difference, eh?

Everyone said "the Grade" was great for an FTP test, so I rode it but it wasn't long enough 🤦‍♂️

The little bastard avatar turned around at the top and started descending after well under 20 minutes :laugh:


Like @Whorty and I'm sure others I really need to do more Z2. Going to try and do one 90 mins ride a week if I can find time. Even 75/80


Legendary Member
Yep, the hills I pushed a little harder but this used to be fine when fit. I wasn't aiming to stick to Z2 but was looking for an average of Z2, although my overall aim was simply to last 2 hours. I failed haha I've never been able to just stay at a constant power, too boring, so I do try to mix it up a bit even on longer rides.

I don't think my power went above C cat numbers though, always within 3.2 w/kg (I can't push any harder at the moment)

Unfortunately it doesn't really work like that. Looks like you did a Threshold interval session rather than a Z2 session. It is not the average power that counts but more time in zone.

I know, because I have the same inclination to put some harder efforts in my Z2 work.


Unfortunately it doesn't really work like that. Looks like you did a Threshold interval session rather than a Z2 session. It is not the average power that counts but more time in zone.

I know, because I have the same inclination to put some harder efforts in my Z2 work.

I have a feeling that too many riders ruins their Z2 session doing too many too hard intervals in that session only because Z2 training session can feel boring. I would say full Z2 session can be hard only your head than legs because those sessions are long. But it’s worth be patient.


I have a feeling that too many riders ruins their Z2 session doing too many too hard intervals in that session only because Z2 training session can feel boring. I would say full Z2 session can be hard only your head than legs because those sessions are long. But it’s worth be patient.

I did about 40 minutes of zone 1 yesterday. I think I spent most of it talking to people on Discord. It was a recovery ride after FRR on Sunday to be ready for today's Cyclopathon (5 laps of Fan Flats).

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