As a TrainingPeaks Premium user (via my coach) I thought I'd try TrainingPeaks Virtual (aka IndieVelo).
The graphics are a bit basic whish isn't a major deal, but I do like the way all the display elements seem to be customisable. I also like seeing the draft bar. It seemed a bit quiet and unsure how many of the riders were bots.
I love the HUD, much better than Zwifts.
I've seen reports that 40,000 have signed up and there are 10,000 active riders, but like you when I've been on it seems to be mostly bots. It does mean there are always 'riders' about and maybe it doesn't really matter whether they are real or computer generated?
I was in a race the other day on there - 80 riders, probably 4 or 5 real the rest bots. What it did mean though was that I had company the whole race pushing me on, which is better than Zwift currently due to the new ranking system where I'm dropped in the first few minutes and ride solo - so that's a big tick for me
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