Hmmm, I see your confusion. I did say As, Bs etc because I’m on my phone and too lazy to write … an A, multiple Bs and Cs and a D
You could have just said that when I first replied instead of doubling down and then we wouldn't have to keep going back and forth on it.
I'm not confused either - I've been consistent since you made that first statement.
You’re picking holes in semantics to defend your biased view of the new scoring
OK so when you say something factually false I should just let it go because pointing out that it's false is "semantics"? Sorry, I actually think words, facts and accuracy matter, otherwise any discussion is pointless because we can all just say whatever nonsense we like whether it's true or not and that gets us nowhere. Sounds like we may have to agree to disagree on that approach though.
How do I have a "biased view"? I genuinely don't understand what you mean?
I'm not a fan-boy of ZRS at all - it only seems like that because I keep disagreeing with your criticisms of it! But that's more about the nature of your criticisms, or innacuracies (or "semanitcs" if you prefer) - than my love of or bias towards ZRS. I do like the principle of it - some kind of results based system has been requested for ages and I think that's a good thing - whether ZRS works well to improve things still remains to be seen, and I'm sure it will never be 100% perfect and loved by everyone whatever they do.
If you have a valid criticism of how it's working that's fine and I'll probably agree with you. Criticism is good - it can highlight areas for improvement that can be fed back to Zwift as it's in all our interest that it does ultimately work well.
But just saying it's bad for reasons that aren't actually anything to do with ZRS - which you keep doing by the way - doesn't get us anywhere, which is why I keep responding when you do that.
rather than looking at the facts that the 350-520 pen has a spread of riders from A to D which, as I and others keep saying, is farcical.
Well this is the thing - it might be farcical, it might not. Just saying that and leaving it there doesn't make it true - especially when you back it up with false info ("semantics").
Take your last example: the truth was there was one Cat A (possibly not even a Cat A at the start of the race) who was in there because he'd only done 1 race since December 2023 so there's no way Zwift could have categorised him correctly with ZRS or any other system. And there was a "poor cat D" who just joined the wrong pen. If you can't see that examples like this tell us absolutely nothing about ZRS being good or bad I don't know what else to say to you!
I'm very happy to discuss genuine issues with ZRS though as I'd like it to work if it can.
I get it if someone is a B rider now allowed to ride with much weaker riders and drop them within minutes but that doesn’t make it an enjoyable experience for those incorrectly added to that pen.
Getting dropped by stronger riders doesn't mean you're in the wrong pen (it MIGHT mean that but not automatically). I've been dropped by stronger riders in races more times than I'd like to remember but it doesn't necessarily mean I'm mis-categorised, it may just mean there's stronger riders than me in that race.
You can't take thousands of riders, split them into 4 or 5 groups and everyone in those groups be clones of each other with identical ability. And some, by definition, will be at the bottom of that group, and others at the top - that's the way it works in Zwift and in every sport - virtual or real world. We can have a discussion about whether ZRS has it right and look at the data, but again, just saying what you've said doesn't make it right or tell us anything useful
There are also honest riders who think the scoring is pants.
You probably don't mean this quite how it comes out but that is a bit funny
One A on Eric’s post says his initial seed was 5nn (can’t recall exactly so not going to guess as you’ll get fixated on that number). Anyway, every race he did he increased his score as he was destroying the field. His score finally went above 700 where it felt right, only for Zwift to reseed him back to the 600s. He thinks it’s a joke too.
Thanks for the anecdote - can't really add anything as there's no details to go on.
I’m sorry you can’t see how flawed this is. Zwift have been working on this for 2 years and this is the best they can do, and we wonder why they need to increase the subs so much.
If you post something saying it proves a flaw with ZRS when it doesn't, then I might just reply to say that. It doesn't mean I can't see flaws, it means what you said isn't a flaw.
I can and have seen flaws with it - I've lost count of the number of times I've said it's not perfect.
Without going over old ground all over again, the bottom line is you (and all of us) need to chill out and give this new system a few weeks to settle in. It's literally just been rolled out - and just after the summer months when many riders are returning to zwift racing with no data or bad data to start with. For this reason, and because of literally the way its designed to work, with results based changes, it will inevitably take some time before we can properly judge if it's working.
And when we do that, simply the fact that someone who is at the very bottom of their category is coming towards the back of races in their category isn't proof it's not working - just to cover that one off in advance!