Well four people have picked numbers, so I've randomised a fifth and we now have some courses for the Tour de Splitters. However if any of these get voted down as ones people don't want, then we can always get someone else to pick an extra number and see where it goes.
Round 1 - I felt like doing what we did last time with two short races with a 10 minute gap between them and
@Peter Salt and
@mjd1988 came up trumps. #100 was Scotland's Loch Loop - one lap should be around 11-14 minutes (lower number for the stronger riders, higher for people like me), while #167 was Yorkshire's Duchy Estate - two laps plus lead-in should come in at 12-15 minutes.
Note that if Pete had chosen the other number (85) from his post, the plan wouldn't have changed much - that was a New York course where one lap once again would have been somewhere in the 12 minute range.
Round 2 - we'll go here with
@13 rider's pick which was #55 - Makuri's Kappa Quest Reverse. One lap plus lead-in I estimate will be between 32 and 38 minutes, but note that about 70% of this course is on dirt and you have to climb the reverse Temple climb TWICE; once in the lead-in, once on the lap itself (and it finishes at the top).
Round 3 - this was my random number of #12 and it gave us an old favourite - Innsbruckring. Given my preference for not going too much over half an hour, two laps is a wee bit short, three might be a tad too long, so I might end up doing a custom finish line, maybe at the top of the Snapper on lap 3?
Round 4 - this'll be the Queen Stage I hinted at previously. Sorry
@CXRAndy, but your pick of #5 was a doozy - La Reine! Yes that's right, up Ventoux, via the Petit KOM. Of course I'm not going to make you do the whole thing, but I have a thought that we could set a custom finish line at the hairpin (the point where it becomes steep), which will see the best riders do it in about 20 minutes, with the C's and D's still hopefully coming in under 30.