Zwift Chat

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Not when chasing a 52kg rider banging 8W/kg on hills :laugh:

Fear not, she became a platinum yesterday in the Chasing Tour, so she'll probably need to ride in the C pen with Amethyst/Platinum next time.
Innsbruckring, Fan Flats and Two Bridges Loop are the next three planned routes.

Also, if anyone fancies it, I'm running an experimental Omnium on Tuesday morning at 1030 on indieVelo. 4 short races of different formats all within an hour. Should be great fun.
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Loop de Loop C this morning. Loaded up Sauce, no profile 😭

Not a real problem, just nice to see where the climb came, but after lap one, all was clear. I didn't go full gas, knowing I'd be dropped by the lighter riders .

I was with the lead pack breaking into 4 or 5 smaller groups scattered over the climb.

I held onto a group, which swept up the group Infront. There we held station, until the second lap climb, where I got ahead of most of my group, only to be swallowed up on the descent to the finish line. I went early for my sprint which caught most of guard and jumped around 10 places crossing the line


Video rendering to follow

Ps a bit pathetic compared to Pete's 6th place in B yesterday :okay:

Peter Salt

Yorkshire, UK
I did the 'Loop de Loop' sprint stage on Friday. Kind of went with it because it was a new route - and it did look interesting. I have to say, I loved the course - as others have said - very little room to mess about, twice through the rollers on the start, beach, KOM, a short descent and back at it again. It was a huge bunch sprint at the end and I managed to steal 6th place, but it was 20 people within 1s at the line.


usually riding on Zwift...
I was going to do The Gorby this afternoon but I chickened out and did the Loop de Loop race instead. Probably just as hard! The pace was very aggressive and I just got tailed off the lead group on the second time up the KOM, finished 27th on ZwiftPower. Not fantastic but I got a pretty decent workout out of it.


I might be around Friday and if I am I'll join too :cheers:

You'll laugh at this I did Leg Snapper a month ago in DRS, going for FTS and managed 45s (I think you did 41 in ZRL when we did it).
Today I did it at the end of Achterbahn - the only route I had left to tick off in Innsbruck - and I span up in a low gear on the little ring in 3:31. I thought about that 7.6 W/kg sprint effort and laughed. :laugh:



Watched a fair bit. They've fixed a lot of things with the live broadcast - much slicker and finally finally they have a "Kms to go" countdown. They used to not really have a clue where it ended.

Caught the last of zwift academy. Alpecin fenix came across a little better this time around
although they still chose the youngest rider as per every year their reasons for not picking the strongest turned out fairly justified, hopefully he learns something from it as he's clearly very talented
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