Crit city this morning, 10 laps. I marked the best ranked rider a
Dane Norwegian( for Steen)

. Race began very modest in pace, I was beginning to regret not going again with a B cat Fast n Flat (seen how much faster Martin was to my C race).
BUT, then lap five started and the Norwegian, Thorkilsdsen (shortened to Thor

) started a breakaway, this fractured the main pack down to 9, then 8 and eventually 7, has he made this same attempt start of each lap. Eventually Ma, a Hong Kong rider took the lead on lap 7, I went with him seeing he was probably over cat in Wkg and would get Dq'd if we got away.
Our lead grew to 4 secs over the chasers, but Thor dragged the pack back on lap 9.
Final lap, with around 500m Thor put the hammer down ⚒️

I went with him initially, backed off, then the pack went for the sprint. I wound the cadence, still seated, dropped the power up aero. I steered to inside for the final corner, thinking I had sneaked silver. Thor had pipped me into bronze. Ma is an 18yr old former A cat last year(he doesn't count

Really enjoyed the final sprint, even though seated, I hit over 1100W at 139rpm with a new PB this year

9.8W for 15secs (911W)
final sprint