This is the start to the cut off time that’s on ROUVY.Essential you’re hotel is near the start as was mine last year so good job with that one.
External factors that was out of my control :
Delayed start time (20 mins) for everybody but the cut off time stays the same.
The official start time for the event is your start time event if you go off 30 mins later depending on how early you get there to the holding gate.
First water station was manic (very hot weather) and even if you didn’t stop there was still a hold up as people couldn’t park their bike the road was impassable for a few mins.
They blamed this on people riding that haven’t officially entered so this year it’s obligatory to wear the 312 jersey given you you for the ride.
You can pay extra money (stupid money) to go off first which improves your odds to beat the cut time.
Feed stations very busy and the fastest times had support teams for water & food.
Andy Owen ( from Taunton) did it successfully a few years back he was one of the guys on your Pyrenees tour who was watching when I did it.
I did follow a plan but it was useless by a guy who rides it every year “ ride harder”.
The good part of the ride uphill is on ROUVY and I can find it for you if you want to try it.
You need to train by doing very long endurance rides and lots of rides with long climbs and the better your ftp the better you can keep to a high zone 2 power output.
There you go, easy peasy
So essential to test your Time all be it indoors
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