Couple of series the rest of you might like to know about now ZRL is over...
https://chasingtour.com/ This one is going on all year and it's a bit like FRR. A mixture of stage races and day races. To access the races you join their zwift club (chasing racing). They are separate pens based on ZR.app category (platinum/gold/silver/bronze) but all cats start together, so the starts are bit frantic.
And the upcoming Dirt Racing Series starts on 18th April. https://www.dirtracingseries.com/ also using ZwiftRacing.app categories, but with the narrow sub-divisions Gold 1, 2, 3 etc. which means you won't be racing against people who can drop you in 40s (like I was this morning in the chasing tour ).
Both of the above offer multiple race times. I'll be racing in a gold 1 team for DIRT in the Atlantic time zone (1045am starts).
Dirt racing series is fun and well organised