Tiny race splitters series
I really should read all posts before I respond 🤣
Fully support this. The Tinys are fun, random winners and as painful as hell
Tiny race splitters series
this is done on rgt successfully but was mentioned for Zwift and shot down in flames with all the weight doping scandals !
I know I don't do much on Zwift nowadays but I can't see why it just can't be mass start no handicap races over varying courses ! we all have someone we try to beat so its not about being first , just about beating nemesis
its all very well trying to get it to be a close thing on the line but once you factor in draft , hill , downhill , bike etc I think its just over complicating things
I won't bother trying to change bikes mid race and doubt if I would be bothered about power ups
long up hills split us up too much I guess though some thrive on them
long flats are predictable as well with some thriving on them so makes sense to mix it up
I like a tt every now and then as well
maybe like a mini tdf with a little of everything ?
Lee and Whorty
What ever happened to racing your mates for fun rather than to win?
Lee and Whorty
What ever happened to racing your mates for fun rather than to win?
Isn't that what I'm proposing? Racing for fun?
If we know who's going to win before the race starts, how is that fun?
Because it can be fun even when you don’t win? And plenty of people could win every variety of race in this group.
The challenge is in the variety. Not some fantasy perception of online game glory…
You try your hardest to stay in a catergory lower than your power numbers suggest you should be, and race very specific races where you think you have the best chance of winning. So the concept is no doubt lost on you.
Think it died with bkool unfortunately and the growth of the cat system… (no offence Randy)
It’s boring beating the same drum. But it just seemed so much simpler when we picked a variety of races and everyone just got on with it.
Seriously Tommy, feck off you dullard
Tommy, with all do respect mate. Did a sprinter stole your girlfriend once or something?You try your hardest to stay in a catergory lower than your power numbers suggest you should be, and race very specific races where you think you have the best chance of winning. So the concept is no doubt lost on you.
Tommy, with all do respect mate. Did a sprinter stole your girlfriend once or something?
I for one am really annoyed that each and every single time Carl posts anything you take a dig at him. Not in a friendly, banter way but in a badly mannered and vile way - like a school bully that found a vulnerable target.
It's really unpleasant to read and, once again, is smashing a constructive conversation apart.