I had a bit of an off yesterday. Was planning to ride from mine to the in-laws approx 80km away but crashed less than 20km from home!
Luckily a cyclist stopped in their car and insisted on taking me home. Really nice chap, he said someone drove him home a few years ago so I think he might have been waiting for an opportunity to help someone out.
It was a bit of a silly one and thankfully didn’t involve anyone else. Where the roads have been so heavily gritted recently, the bike slid out from under me on a patch of loose grit/salt that had collected. Reckon I was probably doing approx 15mph but hit my face quite hard. New bike has got its first scratches 😫
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I’m a little beaten up down one side - face, shoulder, elbow, knee.
I will have the indignity of being asked about it and having to explain on numerous zoom calls next week!
Expecting to be back on the turbo mid-week 👍
Sorry you had the off but I do like how you combed your hair for the after pic!

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