What's the format for tomorrow night's meet up.... Is it a TTT ?
Ian, It’s an individual race, but rather than everyone setting off from the gun we have 3 groups based loosely on zwiftpower data. Group “C” get 3 min head start in “B”, and B a 2 min start on “A”.
Everyone is free to decide if they want to work with their group, try breaking and going solo / making a deal with a competitor etc. Or do you hide in and save the legs for if/when the group behind catches....Tactics will be half the fun tomorrow.
A lot of clubs use this format to give everyone a chance. Can the A group make the catch? Will the B and C collaborate?
Here’s the groups again. If everyone can take note of their group.
A group
Berty bassett
B group
Michael Doris
C group
Ian sparrow
Steve Robinson
C group: head off on the gun
B group: 3 minutes later
A group: 2 minutes after that
A few things to note
- The finish line will be the Blue meet up banner. It should be close to the Champs Elysee finish line...but could be out by a few hundred metres. Pay attention to the distance to go, and look up the road hopefully the blue banner will be visible by eye and on the map.
- As we are in meet up mode everyone will start spread out on the side of the road.
- i think power ups are enabled - there’s no option to disable them.
- Cs go as soon as the meet up commences.
- Me or Tommy will call the 3 minutes for the Bs to go....if we are feeling nice we will give a 30sec warning.
- As will get something similar.
Whilst we can’t control how everyone starts off I’d suggest the sporting thing to do would be to go for a Gentle rolling start so not to deliberately distance someone that may be positioned at the back of the start grid. If however someone is sleeping and misses their start then tough.
Results should be available in the companion app After the event though personally I have yet to complete a meet-up to test it out.